
Erasmus Mundus Msc programme, 2 years - Cork, Leioa, Nantes, Trondheim


The deadline for returning the application form and the required documentation will be announced on the REM+ website but will normally be before 15th of March every academic year. In the cases of late registration, applications will only be accepted in the event of evidenced technical failure of the online registration platform.

An advanced preliminary pre-registration deadline at the beginning of April may be offered to 3rd country students and European candidates to Erasmus Mundus funding in order to provide them with a conditional pre-acceptance letter that might help them in obtaining visas and grants to be enrolled in the Programme. A firm offer will only be made on completion of the general application procedure.  

Website for admission

​​​​​​​See the official website for admission requirements and application form:

Website for admission

Contact us

Contact us


Postal address:
NTNU - Academic Administrative Division
Admissions Office
Postboks 8900
7491 Trondheim

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