
Erasmus Mundus Msc programme, 2 years - Granada, Joensuu, Saint-Étienne, Gjøvik


The admission process is conducted by the admissions office at NTNU Gjøvik, and then by the AMB through the French admission portal. Applicants should apply according to the regulations and process described in application webpage.

​​​The Student Agreement is the “contract” between the Consortium (partnering universities) and the student. Those are the “rules of the game” for any students joining COSI, providing extensive information on rights and obligations of both the Consortium and the Students. It is signed between the student and the Coordinating Institution Norwegian University of Science and Technology during the inception week.


Website for admission

​​​​​​​See the official website for admission requirements and application form:

Website for admission

Contact us

Contact us


Postal address:
NTNU - Academic Administrative Division
Admissions Office
Postboks 8900
7491 Trondheim

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