Bachelor Sign Language Interpreter

Sign Language Interpreter

Sign Language Interpreter - Bachelor's Programme

The language of instruction in this programme is Norwegian. Read more about the programme on the Norwegian website

As a signed language interpreter, you are able to contribute to equal opportunities and participation in society by providing interpreting between Norwegian sign language, and written and spoken Norwegian.

During your work, you come across different types of people and get various types of assignments. Therefore, the interpreting profession is suitable for language enthusiasts and social people who enjoy challenges. You should also be interested in communication and social interaction.

About the Programme

Interpreting is a very complex, multi-faceted skill. During the three-year BA program, students acquire a new language, learn several different communication methods and are trained to comprehend, process and disseminate information sequentially and simultaneously.

The language of instruction in this programme is Norwegian

You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.

You also must meet the basic requirement for admission, and demonstrate that you meet the English language requirements.

The application deadline for the programme is April 15th. Students apply through Samordna Opptak.

The faculty of Humanities offer a wide range of courses taught in English in our various fields of studies, both at bachelor's and master's level.


Visiting address:
Building 5, level 5

Postal address:
Department of Language and Literature
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim