Course - Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies - TTM4195
TTM4195 - Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Written exam | 60/100 | 3 hours | D |
Portfolio | 40/100 |
Course content
The course covers the cryptographic theory supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies as well as the practical aspects of how a cryptocurrency is designed. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches will be explored. More general applications of blockchain technologies, such as smart contracts, will also be included.
The course content is related to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
4 - Quality education, target 4.4 - Increase the number of people who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship,
9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure, target 9.3 - Increase access to financial services ,
16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions, target 16.4 - Reduce illicit financial and arms flows and combat all forms of organized crime
Learning outcome
A. Knowledge: Students will learn the underlying principles and techniques associated with blockchain technologies. They will become familiar with the cryptographic building blocks and how they are used in a typical cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. B. Skills: Students will develop a practical understanding of how cryptocurrencies are implemented and the practical limitations of currently available blockchain and cryptocurrency systems.
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, seminars, invited lectures, student presentations and laboratory exercises. A group-based practical exploration of real cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Weekly online quizzes will support the theory aspects.
Further on evaluation
Two assessments provide the basis for the final grade in the course, a portfolio and a written final exam that count for 40 and 60% of the final grade, respectively. Both parts must be passed in order to pass the course. The results for each of the parts are given with a letter grade. The portfolio includes practical work and online quizzes. The written exam is given only in English. If there is a re-sit examination, the examination form may be changed from written to oral exam. If a student also after the re-sit exam has the final grade F/failed, the student must repeat the entire course. Also in the case a student wants to try to improve his/her grade, he/she must repeat both assessments.
Recommended previous knowledge
TTM4135 Applied Cryptography and Network Security and TTM4137 Wireless Network Security or equivalent. Assumed knowledge may include basic knowledge of computer networks, experience using Unix-like operating systems, programming languages such as C, Python, and familiarity with basic web technologies such as Javascript, PHP and SQL.
Course materials
Recommended textbook: "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction", by Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder, July 2016. Online readings will be provided.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Telematics
- Information Security
- Communication Technology
- Technological subjects
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology