Course - Chemical Engineering, Specialization Project - TKP4580
TKP4580 - Chemical Engineering, Specialization Project
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Assignment | 100/100 |
Course content
The specialization project is to be chosen with the fields of Catalysis, colloid and polymer chemistry, environmental engineering and reactor technology or process-system engineering. The project will be given within current research activity in the research group or, in cooperation with faculty, as collaboration with external research institutes or industry.
The project work will include definition and limitation of the work to be performed, literature search in current literature, a time schedule for the projects, experimental work or theoretical work, e.g. modeling, and interpretation and reporting of results. When relevant, the impact of the studied process or materials on the sustainability of the industrial process should be shortly discussed.
Learning outcome
- The project provides the student with knowledge within one or several central areas of chemical engineering within catalysis, process systems engineering, colloid and polymer chemistry, environmental engineering, or reactor technology.
Skills: After the course, the student should
- Have obtained in-debt knowledge in the core topic of chemical engineering.
- Have skills in independent planning of small R & D work and systematical treatment and interpretation of data and relevant information.
- Be able to analyze the results and discuss the challenges and opportunities with the proposed solutions.
- Have experience of how to present results both written and orally.
General competence:
- After fulfilling the course, the student will have detailed knowledge about the specific industrial challenge. The student can use this competence in projects where these topics are integrated as components or technology elements.
- Students should understand how their work connects to sustainable development in chemical engineering.
Learning methods and activities
Individual laboratory or project-based work under supervision. An oral presentation of the project.
Expected workload for this course is 400 hours
Compulsory assignments
- Presentation
Further on evaluation
Evaluation is based on a written project report. Oral presentation of the work is a mandatory activity.
Recommended previous knowledge
General knowledge of chemical engineering.
Course materials
Given at course start.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
TKP4510 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4520 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4530 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4550 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4560 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4720 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4730 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4700 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 | |
TKP4710 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2016 |
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2023
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Technological subjects
- Brian Arthur Grimes
- Edd Anders Blekkan
- Gisle Øye
- Hanna Katariina Knuutila
- Heinz Adolf Preisig
- Hilde Johnsen Venvik
- Hugo Atle Jakobsen
- Jana Poplsteinova Jakobsen
- Jens-Petter Andreassen
- Jia Yang
- Johan Erik Gustaf Sjøblom
- Johannes Ernst Peter Jäschke
- Liyuan Deng
- Magne Hillestad
- Magnus Rønning
- Nadav Bar
- Sigurd Skogestad
- Størker Torvald Moe
- Sulalit Bandyopadhyay
- Tore Haug-Warberg
- de Chen
- Øyvind Weiby Gregersen
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Chemical Engineering