
TIØ4165 - Marketing Management for Technology Firms


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Portfolio
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Portfolio 100/100

Course content

The course offers an introduction to strategic marketing management with a focus on technology firms. The course predominantly deals with issues related to consumer marketing, but it also includes issues related to business to business marketing. The course starts with an introduction to the role of marketing in the organization and market analysis based on demand, environmental factors and customers' buying behavior. It will also be focused on development of market strategies through assessing customer value, segmentation, targeting, positioning and buying behavior. The course provides particular focus on megatrends that currently defines the ongoing discussions in marketing management. That is, digital marketing and new marketing approaches that are facilitated by digital tools and sustainability, where we analyze and assess opportunities that arises in the green shift.

A central part of the course is practical assignments where groups of students develop market plans and/or market initiatives for technology firms or technology products based upon empirical customer data. The course will also offer an introduction to analyzing (digital) customer behavior and the process of developing market plans including product-, price-, communication-, distribution-, and sustainability strategies.

Learning outcome

The course position in MTIØT: The course is compulsory in the third year of MTIØT. The course build on TIØ4162 Prosjekt- og personalledelse/Organization and technology 2 It will give relevant insight in management with special attention on "Marketing and Supply Chain Management" as described in part 2.2 of the complete learning objectives for the Programme of study in Industrial Economics and Technology Management. The course will be an introduction to marketing. By taking this course it is expected that the students should be able to: - Identify and investigate internal and external business environments - Design and organise market research, and be able to analyse and use this data material - Explain and use central marketing concepts such as customer behaviour, customer value, segmenting, targeting and positioning - Use their knowledge about central marketing concepts to: 1) analyse firms' marketing behaviour, 2) suggest different marketing strategies, and 3) could use this knowledge to develop solid marketing plans - Plan, organise and conduct projects in teams - Communicate marketing plans both in writing and orally

Learning methods and activities

The course is built around the idea that to understand marketing students need to learn theoretical marketing principles, but also using these principles through practice. The course is therefore divided into two central learning areas. 1) Lectures, where the focus is to present and discuss relevant theory, often by utilizing teaching cases, and 2) exercises. Exercises may vary, but the main purpose is for the students to receive training in the collection and processing of market data, which then forms the basis for the preparation of a marketing strategies and initiatives for the respective case company or product.

Further on evaluation

Two group assignments form the basis for the final grade in the course. The case assignment is weighted 30% and the marketing plan is weighted 70%.

The submission deadline is announced at the start of the course.

In case of a re-take, both assignments in the course must be taken again.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Industrial Economics and Technology Management (MTIØT)

Course materials

Assigned at course start.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
SIS1034 7.5
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Technological subjects
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management