
SOS8533 - Modern Media and Digitalization


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Assignment 100/100

Course content

The course addresses key issues related to modern media and digitalization and offers analytical tools to enable the students to think critically on the importance of media development and digitalization for social organization. Over the last decade, we have seen a new wave of digitalization. Various digital platforms, such as social media, search engines, streaming platforms, content aggregators and robots, have become key arenas for the development of media and society. Processes of digitalization affect all aspects of social life and social organization, from microphenomena such as identity formation to macrophenomena such as economics, politics and social divisions. Naturally, issues related to digitalization and modern media have become part of most of the sub-fields of sociology, but often without having the tools to systematically reflect the relationship between the technological / material and the social aspects. The course enables the students to do just that. The course will present them to cand current and relevant research and to raise current topics and debates related to media development with a special focus on consequences for citizenship. Current topics to be discussed are for example the influence of digital platforms on our lives, filter bubbles and echo chambers or disinformation ("fake news").

Learning outcome

Knowledge - the student shall:

* acquire knowledge of international theory development in the field of modern media and digitalization.

Skills - the student shall demonstrate the ability to:

* treat one of the themes which was discussed in instruction in an independent empirical analytical manner at an internationally high level.

Learning methods and activities

Lectures and seminars. Supervision of the paper. The paper is to be an independent discussion of a topic taught in lectures, and is to consist of 20 pages. If 6 or fewer students sign up for a planned course during the first 2 teaching weeks, the course will be offered as an instructed reading course.

Further on evaluation

Form of assessment: Individual paper. An identical version of the exam paper cannot be used directly in the PhD thesis as an article or a chapter. A revised version of the exam paper may be included in the thesis. When repeating a failed exam, the candidate can submit a revised version of a previously submitted paper in the course. If the submission is a revised version of a previously submitted paper, this must be specified in the paper.

Required previous knowledge

Masters degree in Sociology or equivalent.

Course materials

To be decided at the start of the course.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
SOS3520 10.0 AUTUMN 2019
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  10.0 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Sociology
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Sociology and Political Science