Course - Ethnographies of migration, diversity and coexistence - SANT2031
SANT2031 - Ethnographies of migration, diversity and coexistence
New from the academic year 2024/2025
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
School exam | 100/100 | 4 hours | E |
Course content
How migrants are received and incorporated in the countries in which they settle varies. In some countries there are much political and societal attention to 'integration', while in other countries this has less significance. In this course, we compare different forms of incorporation and coexistence. We discuss integration from a perspective of power, as well as perspectives on multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism as social forms of coexistence.
Learning outcome
- Has knowledge about the diverse ways in which migrants are incorporated into communities and is able to think critically about the phenomenon of 'integration'.
- Has knowledge about concrete ethnographic examples and models of how people can coexist across cultural differences.
- Skills to identify and assess relevant and complementary literature in the field.
- Skills to independently identify and discuss different theoretical and methodological positions in the field.
- Skills to solve thesis questions independently through written work.
- Skills to master relevant academic concepts, methods and expressions within the field.
General competence:
- Ability to problematize current politics and social developments in the field of migration, diversity, and co-existence, and identify and discuss different positions in the field.
- Ability to convey key topics, theories, problems and solutions both in writing and orally, and can, through other relevant forms of expression, exchange views and experiences with others with a background in the subject area and through this contribute to the development of good practice.
Learning methods and activities
Instruction is offered in the form of lectures and seminars. Teaching is usually conducted in Norwegian but may be done in English.
Students are required to keep posted on messages from the department and lecturers at Blackboard. Please note that lectures, seminars and compulsory activities may start before the registration deadline.
Compulsory assignments
- Mock exam
Further on evaluation
The final assessment consists of a 4-hour school exam. No support material is permitted.
The compulsory assignment is a mock exam in which you answer a question from the syllabus that has been lectured in the first half of the course.
Recommended previous knowledge
There are no prerequisites for this course, but the following courses are recommended: SANT1020, SANT1021, SANT1022 and SANT1023.
Course materials
The syllabus will be made available om Blackboard at the beginning of the teaching semester.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Intermediate course, level II
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Social Anthropology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Geography and Social Anthropology