Course - Dissemination of Research - PSY8007
PSY8007 - Dissemination of Research
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Report
Grade: Passed/Failed
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Rapport | 100/100 |
Course content
Dissemination of research findings is integral to the research process. Know-how and personal experience in handling all stages and aspects of the dissemination process increase the probability that research will be disseminated, received, understood, and eventually used. The scientific journal article is by far the most common way of conveying research to a wider audience, also including the PhD thesis, and most of the course will therefore be devoted to the journal article. All aspects of the publishing process, from a the forming of hypothesis or research questions, the choice of journal, structure of the article, writing style, referencing, submitting, how to respond to reviewers, how to deal with editors will be covered. In addition, issues relating to the publishing process such as cooperation between authors, ethics, and salami production will be discussed.
Oral presentation to other researchers and end users of research is also an important outlet. Presentation technique and related subjects will be covered.
Dissemination to non-specialists, such as the general public or specific users, e.g. governmental or local bodies, will also be discussed. The participants' own research will be taken as a vantage point.
A PhD should qualify for a growing independent research career. Prospective research will imply obtaining funds to complete such research. During the course the participant will also be familiar with all aspects of the grant application process to increase the probability of submitting successful applications later on.
Learning outcome
The candidate...
- has acquired knowledge on all aspects of the dissemination process from research idea to publish article or other type of dissemination
- has is familiar with current regulations and good practice concerning publishing and authorship
- known about possible dissemination channels for her or his specific research
- has knowledge on how to disseminate research to end user and the general public
- has knowledge on possible funding sources relevant to her/his area of research and how to write successful grant proposals
The candidate is able to...
- present her/his research in a way that makes publishing in highly regarded international scientific journals likely
- assemble a research group to back a proposal and write successful proposals for funding
General competence
The candidate is able to ...
- evaluate how a specific research theme or finding is best disseminated
- evaluate ethical and practical aspects of dissemination
- to seek out possible funding sources and evaluate their suitability
Learning methods and activities
Lectures (10 hours), seminars (30 hours). The course will be organized as weekly meetings over two semesters. 80 % participation is required. The examination consists of a written report/manuscript. The course will be run with a minimum of five and a maximum of 14 registered PhD candidates.
PhD candidates in psychology at the Faculty's PhD programme have priority
Compulsory assignments
- 80 % participation
Required previous knowledge
Master's degree or similar. PhD candidates in psychology at the Faculty's PhD programme have priority.
Course materials
No specific reading list.
Version: 1
10.0 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2020
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2021
Language of instruction: English, Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Psychology