Course - Future technologies for training and learning - PED6051
PED6051 - Future technologies for training and learning
New from the academic year 2024/2025
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Passed / Not Passed
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Assignment | 100/100 |
Course content
Overview of cutting-edge technologies and their applications
Examples from Norwegian and international companies and public sector
Analysis of use cases
Leading and promoting innovative solutions, strategy and value creation
Concepts, ideas and approaches to training and continuous learning discussed in relation to practice, with emphasis on participants' experiences
Digitalization in the workplace
Learning outcome
- The participant has thorough knowledge of key aspects of future VR/AR technologies for learning and training, digitalization processes and different approaches to implementing training and learning solutions based on immersive technologies in organizations, including opportunities and limitations.
- The participant can apply relevant concepts and theories to analyze and understand the challenges associated with the development and integration of innovative training and learning solutions in organizations.
General competence:
- The participant can act as an advisor in implementation processes, plan and carry out management and evaluation activities.
Learning methods and activities
Teaching is given in the form of lectures, discussions and group exercises during 2 seminarsessions (2+2 days) in Trondheim plus online lectures and seminars, while other work is done individually or in groups. Participants should formulate a challenge that they themselves face - or think is interesting for their organization. The problem will form the basis for work on an exercise assignment and a final project assignment (essay). Attendance at the teaching activities is compulsory.
Compulsory assignments
- compulsory participation in lectures
Further on evaluation
Project assignment (essay)
Compulsory attendance of the seminars in Trondheim + online lectures and seminars
Recommended previous knowledge
The participants need to have at least two years of relevant work experience. The relevance is determined by time or association with the current position and a letter from the current employer. Other experience or background will be evaluated on a case to case basis.
Required previous knowledge
Bachelor degree or equivalent competence. To års relevant arbeidserfaring.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Further education, higher degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: English, Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Education
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment