
LVUT8083 - English 1 (5-10) Module 1


This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.

Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Individual oral exam 40/100
Assessment folder 60/100

Course content

English 1 (5-10), module 1, gives insight into the study of English language, literature, culture, and language education in upper primary and lower secondary school.

The course is divided into three areas:

  • Working with literature and culture
  • Knowledge about language
  • Development of basic skills for upper primary and lower secondary school.

The reading list contains a range of different genres and texts to improve the students' social, cultural, and linguistic understanding. We will spend time on each text to develop the students' reading skills, as well as their understanding of vocabulary, language use, genre, textual expressions, and narrative techniques. The course unit in language will particularly focus on grammar. The course further entails work with the current national curriculum.

Learning outcome


The student has

  • knowledge of vocabulary acquisition and grammatical structures of English, as well as insight into cultural conventions for language use
  • insight into the work with developing the basic language skills
  • knowledge of the curriculum for the English subject in school and its relationship to the European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • knowledge of relevant learning materials, strategies, and methods which promote language development in upper primary and lower secondary school, as well as assessment forms that can be used in language education
  • familiarity with mapping tools that can be used in language education
  • knowledge of ways of life, history, and cultural expressions from the English speaking world, with a particular focus on Indigenous peoples and intercultural learning
  • knowledge of literary texts, both written, visual and oral, and their key characteristics
  • knowledge of norms for academic text production, responsible use of sources and ethical data collection


The student can

  • use English accurately and functionally, both orally and in writing, and be a good English language model for the pupils
  • supervise pupils in their language development by making them aware of how language is structured
  • plan, carry out, and critically evaluate teaching based on the national guidelines, and facilitate for further development of basic language skills for all the pupils in the target group
  • use subject knowledge in a didactic and reflective manner, and critically evaluate practice on the basis of the current curriculum for English
  • facilitate pupils' work with written and visual English texts, including the exploration of ways of living and cultural expressions in the English speaking world in relation to their own culture, with emphasis on literature for children and adolescents
  • facilitate pupil participation in the development of the teaching and learning content

General competence

The student can

  • convey relevant subject knowledge and communicate in English in a manner which is adjusted to the target group
  • reflect upon their own learning and practice, as well as maintaining and developing their own linguistic, literary, cultural and didactic competence
  • work independently and in collaboration with others to facilitate pupils' development and learning in the English subject

Learning methods and activities

The course is session based and lasts one semester. It is expected that the students acquire their learning material through self-study outside of the organized sessions, through work in groups and through the digital management system. English is the language of teaching and communication. It is expected that students use the language actively during the sessions, and in written and oral communication with fellow students and course instructors. Furthermore, it is expected that the students prepare for each session. During the course, the students will collect their text assignments in a portfolio. Through process and product-oriented work with the text assignments and self assessment of these, as well as oral presentations and active participation in the session, the student is ensured of both involvement and supervision through their course of study. The portfolio is given a single individual grade (A-F) and the course also has an individual oral exam. The final grade for the course consist of the grades of both oral exam and the portfolio.

Compulsory assignments

  • Obligatory work

Further on evaluation

During the course, there are obligatory assignments, both written, oral and digital:

  • 1 oral presentation
  • 3 text assignments

All obligatory coursework must be approved in order to sit the exam. Candidates who are in danger of not being allowed to sit the exam because of missing or not approved coursework should be notified cf. the current academic regulations at NTNU.

The grade in the course is calculated on the basis of two assessment components:

  • Part 1: Individual oral exam. Information about the content and scope of the exam will be provided separately. The exam has a preparatory component.
  • Part 2: Individual exam portfolio. The portfolio consists of up to three text assignments from the three different course areas: literature, culture and language. Each text assignment is considered of equal weight in grading the portfolio.

Both parts must receive a passing grade in order to receive a final grade in the course. Assessment components can be redone individually.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
- (KENG1-5-10)

Required previous knowledge

Teacher education, or similar, and employment in primary, lower secondary or upper secondary school.

Course materials

The final reading list will be uploaded before the start of the semester

More on the course



Version: A
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Further education, lower degree level


Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • English
  • Teacher Education
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education

Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment