
LVUT8081 - English 2 (1-7) module 1


This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.

Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Home examination and oral examination
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Home examination 60/100 5 days
Oral examination 40/100 30 minutes

Course content

English 2 for 1-7, module 2, gives further insight into the study of English language, culture, literature and language teaching in lower and upper primary school.

The course is divided into three main areas:

  • Work with literature and culture
  • Knowledge about language
  • English as a second language: theories and methods

The reading list contains a variety of texts to better students' understanding of society, culture and language. We will spend time on each text to develop the students' academic reading skills, as well as their understanding of vocabulary, language use, genre, textual expressions and narrative techniques. The course units for English language will focus on English as a global language, as well as on contemporary teaching methods and central theories connected to second language acquisition. The course will also entail work with the current national curriculum.

Learning outcome


The student has

  • knowledge of English as a world language and its development as a contact language for people from different countries and cultures, as well as knowledge of some variations of English
  • knowledge of advanced grammar and different distinctions within the sound system of English
  • knowledge of how oral and written language can be integrated in meaningful and inspiring activities
  • knowledge of learning strategies, methods, and theories that develop pupils' language skills
  • knowledge of a range of literary texts, both written, visual and oral, and their central characteristics
  • knowledge of norms for academic text production, responsible use of sources and ethical data collection
  • knowledge of relevant topics related to culture and society within the English-speaking world


The student can

  • use English accurately and functionally for different purposes, both orally and in writing
  • plan, lead, and critically evaluate teaching based on the national guidelines
  • integrate a variety of strategies and activities for oral and written work in the classroom, and identify areas of difficulties within pupils' knowledge and adjust the teaching accordingly
  • choose English texts for children from different English-speaking countries, and facilitate for work on these texts in a varied, challenging, and inspiring way
  • critically evaluate own practice based on the current curriculum for English in lower and upper primary school

General competence

The student can

  • convey relevant subject content and communicate in English in a way suitable for the target audience
  • reflect upon own learning and practice, as well as maintain and develop his or her own linguistic, literary, cultural and subject didactic competence
  • work independently and collaboratively to survey and to differentiate pupils' learning and development in the English subject

Learning methods and activities

The course is session-based and lasts one semester. Students are required to acquire course content through self-study outside of the organized teaching sessions, and through group work and the digital learning platform. English will be used for both teaching and communication. Thus, it is expected that students use the language actively during teaching, and in written and oral communication with peers and course instructors. Furthermore, students must prepare in advance for each session. Through process- and product-oriented work with texts, self-assessment of coursework, as well as presentations and active participation during lectures and seminars, students are ensured of both involvement and supervision through their course of study.

Compulsory assignments

  • Obligatory

Further on evaluation

Obligatory course work

  • 1 oral presentation
  • 3 assignments

Obligatory assignments are assessed as approved/not approved, and all obligatory activities must be approved in order to sit the exam. Candidates who are at risk of being refused and up to the exam due to a lack of work requirements shall be notified of this, according to the current study regulations at NTNU.


The grade for the course is based on two assessment components:

  • Part 1: Individual oral exam
  • Part 2: Individual Take-Home Exam

Both parts must be passed in order to obtain a passing grade in the course. New / postponed exams are conducted in accordance with current study regulations at NTNU. Part assessments can be recorded individually.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
- (KENG2-1-7)

Required previous knowledge

Teacher education or equivalent and employment in primary, lower secondary or upper secondary school. Completed English 1 (1-7) or equivalent. It is referred to the admission procedures set by the contractee that are in effect at any time. The maximum number of students on the course are agreed with the contractee or equivalent.

Course materials

The final reading list will be uploaded onto Blackboard before the start of the semester.

More on the course



Version: A
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Further education, lower degree level


Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • English
  • Teacher Education
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education

Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment