
LKRO001E - Physical Education in School


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Assignment/thesis
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Assignment/thesis 100/100

Course content

Physical Education is an introduction in being a teacher in physical education at Primary and Lower Secondary School. The students learn how to organize activities for children and learn how to make progressions in selected activities. The students will experience and discuss topics in the Norwegian curriculum. The didactics in the subject are based on a practical approach. The students will learn about physical activity in school due to the specific age of the pupils.

Learning outcome


The student

  • has knowledge and skill to make technical and didactic considerations related to teaching and learning in physical education for pupils in steps 1-10
  • has knowledge of the pupil based on the theories of physical development and the importance of gender, associated with learning
  • has knowledge of how physical education can help to stimulate the basic skills (oral expression, reading, expressing themselves in writing, calculation, using digital tools) in initial training, and how it is appropriate to include these in physical education
  • has knowledge of physical activity and the importance of this for children's health and development and the importance of physical activity from the public health perspective


The student

  • ​has skills in facilitating and guiding learning with play, sports, dancing, swimming, outdoor activities and current modes of motion in children's learning in general and special in grade 1 - 10 in school.
  • has skills to develop goals for teaching and assessing student achievement and justify opinions
  • can identify hazards and ensure students' safety in various activities and movement environment, particularly related to water

General competence

The student

  • is able to be responsible for the continuous development of their own professionalism
  • can contribute to school development on the basis of physical education

Learning methods and activities

This course aims to develop the student`s competence in physical education for children in Primary and Lower Secondary School. It emphasises a playful approach to activities within outdoor education, play and different sport activities. The teaching will be carried out in various environment and areas. The student will learn how to work with physical education in a didactic perspective and how they can develop the subject further. Practical skills together with theoretical knowledge are therefore emphasised. Physical education includes many aspects where the P.E. teacher has to manage how to organise education for both individuals and to larger groups with different needs. Discussions and reflections related to physical education in school will be an important part of this course. The students are expected to acquire skills through participation in the practical teaching as well as through independent study outside of the organized teaching, through group work and the digital learning platform. Some of the teaching will be theory, while most of the teaching will be in practical activity with group discussions. Teaching will be at different suitable locations; most will be at campus, as well as in the swimming pool, the forest and other locations. Norwegian and English is the language of communication.

Further on evaluation

Obligatory course work: 80% participation in the practical classes as specified in the term schedule. All obligatory course work will be evaluated Approved/Not Approved.

Exam: semester assignment based on didactics in physical education.

Required previous knowledge

Student must be in a teacher training program at home institution to be admitted.

Course materials

The reading list will be posted on Blackboard prior to semester start.

More on the course



Version: A
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2022

Language of instruction: English, Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Pedagogical knowledge
  • Physical Education
  • Teacher Education
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education


Examination arrangement: Assignment/thesis

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD Assignment/thesis 100/100





Room Building Number of candidates
Spring ORD Assignment/thesis 100/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU