Course - Knowledge, Learning and Education in Teacher Profession - LÆR1000
LÆR1000 - Knowledge, Learning and Education in Teacher Profession
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Individual assignment
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Individual assignment | 100/100 |
Course content
The course is based on the school's social mandate, the knowledge and ethical basis for the teacher's practice and what it can mean for the development of teacher professionalism. The course provides an introduction to different views on knowledge, learning and education (Bildung) in a professional and societal perspective and what significance it can have for children and young people's learning conditions. The student gets practice in reflecting critically on their own role as a teacher and becoming aware of the school's significance for the development of a democratic and diverse society. The course will help to develop the understanding of the relationship between theory and practice. The students' own experiences and expectations are central to the course.
Learning outcome
The student
- has knowledge of the concepts knowledge, learning and self education (Bildung) and how different approaches to these concepts have an impact on education and teacher professionalism
- has knowledge of the school's social mandate and the school's value base and how these are expressed in school management documents
- has knowledge of ethical issues related to the practice of your own profession
The student
- can reflect on and express himself on various issues related to knowledge, learning and education (Bildung)
- can participate in professional conversations and conduct professional reasoning about pedagogical practice
- can reflect and express oneself on didactic issues in light of the school's value base and the school's social mandate
- can identify ethical issues related to practice
- can reflect and express oneself on children and young people's learning conditions in education
General competence
The student
- can discuss ethical issues related to the teaching profession
- can analyze and be critical of research in order to apply this knowledge in the development of one's own professional practice
- can process and convey the subject matter of the course in an independent way
Learning methods and activities
The teaching is organized in program-specific groups, but can be broken up with seminars across the study programs. In the teaching, emphasis is placed on varied forms of work, where the students are especially trained in conversation about and critically reflecting on pedagogical issues.
Compulsory assignments
- Individual assignment
- Group assignment
- Compulsory participation in teaching
Further on evaluation
Mandatory assignments are assessed with approved/not approved.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 1-7 (MGLU1-7) - some programmes
Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 5-10 (MGLU5-10) - some programmes
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
PPU4410 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
PPU4601 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
PPU4110 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
LGU11001 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
LGU51001 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
LGU51012 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
MGLU1112 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
MGLU1512 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
PPU4000 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
YFL4300 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
YFL1000 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2022 | |
PPU1000 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 |
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Teacher Education
- Education
- Practical teacher training
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education