
KLH3301 - Good holistic patient- and user trajectories


Lessons are not given in the academic year 2024/2025

Course content

The course focuses on interventions that can help to promote excellent and comprehensive patient and user trajectories, with particular emphasis on the communication and interaction between the service users, relatives, and service providers. In the course, we build on subject-specific and subject-relevant topics and issues in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and audiology, as well as measures that can promote interdisciplinary collaboration. By combining the subject-specific and interdisciplinary collaboration, the course contributes to increased awareness of one's own and others' core competence, as well as innovation in the organization and facilitation of good holistic patient and user trajectories.

The course contains knowledge-based and sustainable working methods and tools to analyze the target groups in rehabilitation, habilitation, and prevention. In this course, we are particularly concerned with the patient/user perspective and innovation in services to be adapted to the users' needs.

Learning outcome


After completing the course, the student should:

-have broad knowledge of preventive interventions, habilitation and rehabilitation related to excellent, comprehensive patient and user trajectories, as well as measures that can promote interdisciplinary collaboration

-have broad knowledge of theories, models and research on patient and user trajectories

-be able to apply knowledge and discuss research and evaluation of patient and user trajectories

-have knowledge of methodological and ethical challenges in working with vulnerable groups

-have in-depth knowledge of various types of preventive interventions, as well as promoting and inhibiting factors in rehabilitation

-have in-depth knowledge of excellent, comprehensive patient and user trajectories adapted to various population groups and services in a life course and generation perspective


After completing the course, the student can:

- search for, read and apply scientific literature, theories and models on activity and participation in everyday life

- apply clinical health research as well as knowledge of physical, psychosocial and attitudinal conditions to promote activity and participation for various patient and user groups, this to be in excellent, holistic patient and user trajectories based on interdisciplinary collaboration

-reflect and analyze methodological and ethical challenges in research on sustainable and innovative patient and user trajectories

- identify and analyze factors that promote and inhibit excellent patient and user trajectories

- reflect and discuss the connection between the patient/user trajectories in relation to the organization of rehabilitation as well as preventive interventions adapted to the users

General competence

After completing the course, the student can:

-apply relevant methods and analyzes and evaluations on patient and user trajectories

- be able to contribute to the planning of subject-specific and interdisciplinary interventions to promote excellent and comprehensive patient and user trajectories in prevention, habilitation, and rehabilitation

- be able to communicate updated knowledge about equivalent services and good practice that will contribute to sustainable and innovative rehabilitation, habilitation, and prevention

Learning methods and activities

In this course, student-active forms of learning will be used. The teaching will be scheduled on certain weeks, and consist of group-work, self-study, problem solving, assignment writing, seminars, skills training and dialogue-based lectures. Digital learning methods will be used when appropriate.

Starting a course presupposes enough registered students.

Compulsory assignments

  • Participation in interdisiplinary group work with oral seminar
  • Submission of log from group work

Further on evaluation

Examination form: Written group assignment with a pass or fail.

Compulsory activities: Participation in interdisciplinary group work with oral seminar. Submission of log from the group work.

Special conditions: Significant contribution from all participants in the group is expected. In case of doubt regarding students’ contribution to the group work and assignment, a consultation and individual work will be set up.

Length of exam: 7 days

Required previous knowledge

Bachelor degree in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or Audiology. Other candidates will be assessed individually

Course materials

The syllabus and recommended literature will be published in the the digital learning platform Blackboard at the start of the course.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level



Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Health Science
  • Occupational Therapy
Contact information

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science


  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU