
IT2810 - Web Development


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Portfolio
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Portfolio 100/100

Course content

The course covers technologies and methods used in development of web-applications. Through project work and related activities, the students will learn about architectures, languages, formats and standards for web-applications. The course is technology-oriented and it is the achieved level of knowledge and skills that is evaluated in the final assessment.

Learning outcome

Knowledge about:

  • the technological foundation for modern web-applications
  • architectures, frameworks and libraries for developing web-applications
  • programming languages relevant for web-applications
  • techniques and tools used in the development of web-solutions
  • development of dynamic, interactive web-solutions, with an emphasis on search and presentation
  • formats and technologies for management and dissemination of data and information in web-applications
  • web accessibility
  • sustainable web design

Skills in:

  • designing, developing and testing web-application
  • independent and efficient programming in languages and formats that are used
  • reusing, interpreting and judging the quality of third party code
  • interpreting, analyzing and evaluating own code and solutions and code made by others
  • using modern development- and assisting technologies efficiently and critically

General competencies:

  • knows how to retrieve and make use of documentation to develop knowledge and skills
  • can contribute to group work and communicate opinions, assessments and solutions
  • is able to support the learning of others by giving feedback
  • knows of laws and rules the developers may need to consider in the development of web-based solutions

Learning methods and activities

The course is based on student active learning. Lectures are used for introductions and summaries. Students will mainly work with projects and peer assessments. Learning activities start at the beginning of the semester, and there will be no compensation for activities missed because of late registration.

Further on evaluation

Portfolio evaluation provides the basis for the final grade in the course. The portfolio includes several elements that are weighted differently:

  • Final delivery of one minor and one major development projects that are delivered in the form of code, documentation and a running prototype (count 50% in the portfolio)
  • Participation and requirements fulfillment in four underway deliveries that represents milestones in the project work (counts 30% in the portfolio)
  • Participation in peer student assessments and a report with assessments made by the student (counts 20% in the portfolio)

Both projects are groupworks. Peer student feedback is the main formative assessment during the semester. Final assessment is individual and given at the end of the semester based on the entire portfolio. The student must have submitted and received approval for elements corresponding to 50% of the portfolio to receive the final grade.

In the event of voluntary repetition, fail (F) or valid absence, the portfolio must be retaken in a semester with teaching. In this course evaluations are only held in semesters with teaching.

Course materials

Will be announced. Students are expected to find and make extensive use of online information.


Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Computer and Information Science
  • Information Systems
  • Computer Systems
  • Informatics
  • Information Technology and Informatics
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Computer Science


Examination arrangement: Portfolio

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD Portfolio 100/100



Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU