
INFT2504 - Cloud services as a business


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Portfolio
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Portfolio 100/100

Course content

In this course we will look at how to set up an organization in the cloud, manage users, manage services and users' access to these services. The users of the course will develop a basic understanding of what it means to be an organization in the cloud and how they can protect the business from the dangers that exist. Among other things, the current security picture will be addressed and a number of real security problems will be explained, with the intention of being able to assist companies in improving their security.

There will be a combination of graphical user interface and command line using PowerShell and associated modules. Tasks to be performed will e.g. be to facilitate the corporate work tasks a productivity suite. E.g. cooperation, e-mail flow, ensure that only privileged users have access to sensitive data, ensuring no data loss

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The student has

  • Knowledge of how the cloud makes it easy to work in new and more productive ways, from anywhere and on any device.
  • Knowledge of how to connect and collaborate with your team, no matter where you are. Improve productivity and results
  • Knowledge of what is good practice in the industry, and how to stay up to date on this
  • Knowledge of a modern design and implementation strategy to secure cloud services from a variety of threats, both external and internal

Skills: The student can

  • Use basic tools to customize and tailor a solution designed to meet the needs of an organization. work areas specially designed for you to immerse yourself
  • Modern distribution methods and update models
  • Systematically assess the security of a given system
  • Protect enterprise data from internal and external threats
  • Perform user administration in accordance with good practice
  • Basic administration of a company's basic services in the cloud

General competence: The student has

  • Insight into which basic applications are necessary to get work done in a modern business
  • Can exchange views with others with a background in the industry / profession
  • Can build relationships with peers through active participation in various digital channels

Learning methods and activities

Norwegian-written lessons for theory and videos for practical examples and illustration. Individual practical assignments in a cloud environment throughout the semester.

Further on evaluation

The subject is an online subject that consists of video modules and theory syllabus with accompanying voluntary exercise.

After every fourth module, you will receive a project assignment that covers the previous modules and will be part (1/3) of the final submission.

Normal progression is one lesson a week, and during the semester there will be three assignments that are continuously assessed with feedback from learning assistants, and together all three assignments makes up the total delivery in the course. These three assignment will together get a grade after the third and final submission.

The date for distribution and the submission deadline, which is 2 weeks after distribution, for each individual assignment is announced at the start of the semester. Which means the first grade-counting assignment becomes available four weeks after the start of the semester and has a submission deadline six weeks after the start of the semester, etc.

If you want to improve the assignments, you can choose to deliver a new version for part one and two together with the third and final submission . Postponed assessment: at the next completion of the course.

Each submission consists of a report of 1200 words + - (10%) which answers the assignment, and where a script / code is expected as part of the delivery, this must also be submitted together with the report. The assignments contain of theory and practical work, where the weighting between the different parts is stated in the assignment.

In the event of voluntary repetition, fail (F) or valid absence, the entire course must be retaken in a semester with teaching.

Specific conditions

Required previous knowledge

None, except for requirements for an affiliated study program.

Course materials

Norwegian-written PDFs together with video lectures

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Computer and Information Science
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Computer Science


Examination arrangement: Portfolio

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD Portfolio 100/100



Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU