
IMT6261 - Scientific Communication


This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.

Course content

To do this course, you need to register both for the course and course exam in the ‘StudentWeb’ system. Access to course resources will be provided a small number of days after registration. Please contact the student office if you have any questions.

  • Overview of communication formats
  • The literature review format
  • Communicating science to the public

Learning outcome

This course addresses the following UN Sustainability Development Goals:

Goal 8, target 8.2: Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.

Goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production is about doing more and better with less. It is also about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

This course improves NTNU performance with respect to goal 8, target 8.1 and goal 12 by enabling the PhD student to acquire key research skills more cost effectively in terms of time consumption. This is achieved by employing a teaching format that supports and encourages the learning process to be tightly integrated with the PhD student's chosen field of research.

The course will teach the candidates how to produce presentations and papers for communicating scientific ideas and results, both to the public and to other scholars. The course will focus on the popular science and literature review formats The course contributes towards the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge: Knowledge of the most advanced research in the candidate's specialisation area. The candidate will learn how to target a particular written/oral message in the chosen area. Candidates being at an early stage in their PhD study will be required to produce a literature review paper relevant for their chosen area of specialization. Strong understanding of academic theory and the preparation of high-quality research. The candidate will have learned how to effectively communicate their research, using the style and format appropriate for their chosen are of specialization. Understanding the current state-of-the-art and applying knowledge to the development of new knowledge, theories and presentation of research in their field of study. This knowledge will be acquired through the production of the deliverable `review paper¿. This entails identification and assimilation of the key results in their chosen area of specialization.

Skills: Ability to support and participate in Industrial and Academic research projects at a high international level. Typically, a research project will build on existing knowledge. Both national and international projects (e.g. EU), require that a significant effort is spent both during the project definition and preparation phase on producing a literature review. The candidate will learn, practise and document that he/she has acquired the skills necessary to produce high quality literature reviews. Being able to produce high quality literature reviews is essential in contemporary research. Ability to understand and challenge the existing knowledge and practise in their chosen field of specialization. The literature review produced as part of this course will identify key results, assumptions, open problems etc. as reported in the published literature. The literature review will group/contrast the most significant papers in the field providing the candidate with an improved understanding of the field chosen for the literature review.

General competence: Ability to manage interdisciplinary projects with diverse groups of individuals to bring results in the chosen area of specialization to fruition. Having acquired the competence to produce high quality literature reviews - i.e. a well structured overview of a complex field, the candidate can utilize this competence both to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge but equally important to offer scientists from other disciplines an easily accessible overview of key results, challenges, assumptions, method use etc. in his own area of specialization. Ability to organise and participate in research and development through established national and international research frameworks. The production of high quality literature reviews is a key skill both when initiating and running national and international research projects. Furthermore, during networking, having established oneself as producer of high quality literature reviews, one may find it easier to gain access into a consortium. Capability of applying latest abstract research within the chosen area of specialization to specific real-world problems in creative and innovative ways. Innovation often require that a user/domain expert interacts with a researcher. Mastering a variety of communication formats suitable for communicating research results and findings, will enhance interactions with users or others that are looking for solutions to practical real world problems.

Learning methods and activities

-Project work -Seminar(s) -Self study reading of books/articles

Course is offered at the discretion of the course responsible. There will be organized seminars where different communication formats will be presented and discussed. Candidates and their supervisors will be required to propose scientific cases and subjects suitable for the communication formats covered by the course.

Compulsory requirements: None

The course is given every semester, assuming enough students register for the course. If not enough students register for the course, it will be given as a self study "ledet selvstudium".

Further on evaluation

Re-sit: The whole course must be repeated.

Forms of assessment: The popular science article (2 pages) is evaluated relative to the quality criteria specified in the course literature. The scholarly review article (10 pages/) is evaluated relative to Best Practises for constructing review articles as described in the course literature. Each candidate is required to give 2 presentations in seminars (popular science style: 15 min/5 slides; Scholarly review presentation 30 min/10 slides)

Required previous knowledge

  • The course requires that the student has been admitted to one of the NTNU PhD study programmes.
  • The course requires that the student has been allocated a PhD supervisor employed in a full time position at NTNU.
  • The enrolment for this course is conditioned on the PhD supervisor accepting to be the student's course supervisor.

Course materials

The course will be based on reports, papers such as the following:

[Fink 2005] A. Fink, Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication, 2005

[Cresswell 2011] John W. Creswell, Tonette S. Rocco and Tim Hatcher. The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) . John Wiley & Sons (5 April 2011)

[Okoli 2010] C. Okoli and K. Schabram , A Guide to Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Research, Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(26), 2010,,

[EBSE 2007] Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, Version 2.3, EBSE (Evidence-Based Software Engineering) Technical Report, EBSE-2007-01, 9 July, 2007,

[Kitchenham 2009] B. Kitchenham, O. P. Bre, D. Budgen, M. Turner, J. Bailey, and S. Linkman, Systematic literature reviews in software engineering - A systematic literature review, Information and Software Technology 51 (2009), 7-15

[Gregory 2000] Jane Gregory. Science In Public: Communication, Culture, and Credibility. Basic Books; Reprint edition.[Huff 1988] Anne Sigismund Huff. Writing for Scholarly Publication. Sage Publications. 1988.

[Zobel 2004] Justin Zobel. Writing for Computer Science: The Art of effective Communication. Springer; 2nd ed. 2004 edition.

[Strunk 1999] William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. Longman; 4 edition (23 July 1999).

[Giovanni 2006 ] Giovanni Carrada. Communicating science - A Scientists Survival kit. European Commission - Europa. Available from Visited March 16, 2013.

[Blum 1997] Deborah Blum, Mary Knudson. A Field Guide for Science Writers, Oxford University Press, 1997.

[Baruch 2006] Yehuda Baruch (Editor), Sherry Sullivan (Editor), Hazlon Schepmyer (Editor). Winning Reviews: A Guide for Evaluating Scholarly Writing. Palgrave Macmillan. 2006.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  5.0 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level



Language of instruction: English

Location: Gjøvik

Subject area(s)
  • Informatics
Contact information

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology