Course - Research Methodology in Physical Education and Sports - IDRSA1016
IDRSA1016 - Research Methodology in Physical Education and Sports
New from the academic year 2016/2017
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Written examination
Grade: Letters
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Skriftlig eksamen | 100/100 | 5 timer |
Course content
Students Should through theoretical and practical work, acquire basic knowledge about different sports scientific research methods. Students will work theoretically and practically with different methods in different sports, physical education and other physical activity forms. Students will work with different age groups and groups with different objectives for skill development.
Learning outcome
Students should have basic knowledge of various sports science research methods. This includes traditional social sciences methods questionnaire, interview and observation, but also gain insight into more sport-specific methods that pulse measurements, objketive activity measurements and video analysis. The different methods should be understood in light of epistemological perspectives. Students will be able to choose hensiktigmessige methods in relation to various issues.
Learning methods and activities
The course is restricted and reserved for students in 5-year lecturer program
Compulsory assignments
- Term paper
Specific conditions
Limited admission to classes. For more information:
Recommended previous knowledge
See Required previous knowledge
Required previous knowledge
Course materials
To be decided at the start of the course.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
IDRSA1017 | 15.0 |
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2017
Extraordinary deadline for course registration: 2016-12-01
Language of instruction: -
- Physical Education
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Sociology and Political Science