Course - Supervisor Education for Practice Supervisors - HBIO6001
HBIO6001 - Supervisor Education for Practice Supervisors
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Home examination
Grade: Passed / Not Passed
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Home examination | 100/100 |
Course content
The content in this course is both theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is connected to tutoring and supervising Bachelor in Laboratory Science (BLS) students in professional situations. The theoretical content of the course consists of:
- Learning and supervising.
- Guidance and tutoring as a structured pedagogical process, integrated and planned.
- Guidance techniques, awareness raising and reflection on own practice.
- Communication and relationship building.
- Ethics and responsibility.
The practical content of the course consists of:
- Observation practice of laboratory teaching at IBF.
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of student guidance in own workplace.
Learning outcome
Knowledge: After completing the course, the student should:
- Know the basic concepts, theories and methods used in supervision.
- Know the role the tutor plays in the process in the learning process.
- Have knowledge of communication and interaction at an individual level and in groups.
- Have insight into academic and interpersonal issues in the interaction between the supervisor and the student(s).
- Is able to reflect on the importance of ethical aspects, values and attitudes in counseling situations.
Skills: After completing the course, the student:
- Is able to plan, organize, direct and execute guidance properly.
- Can reflect on his/her own guidance practice, and is able to evaluate, justify and adjust his/her own guidance.
- Is able to meet the BLS student at his / her level, and to motivate learning through the supervision process and help the student achieve good academic development and skills.
General competence: After completing the course, the student:
- Is aware of his / her own role and responsibility as supervisor for others in general, and for BLS students in particular.
- Has strategies for identifying and handling challenges of student guidance, and can consider ethical dilemmas in supervision.
- Is able to contribute to development in guidance in their own professional practice.
Learning methods and activities
The course is conducted with classes and self-study, submission of assignments, and with practice linked to the supervision of BLS students. The course lasts from September to March, and can be combined with work.
Compulsory assignments
- Tilstedeværelse på obligatoriske samlinger og observasjonspraksis
- Gjennomført veiledning av student(er) på egen arbidesplass
- Muntlige framlegg på samlinger
Further on evaluation
Compulsory activities must be approved before exam. This means active participation at seminars, submissions/presentations and practice.
The exam consists of a written assignment, handed in after last seminar. The assignment is assessed as passed/failed. In an event of failed, students are given one more attempt to submit a new written assignment where reuse of parts of the first submission is permitted.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
- (EVUNVH100)
Recommended previous knowledge
Minimum one year work experience as a biomedical laboratory scientist.
Required previous knowledge
You must be an authorized biomedical laboratory scientist (BLS), and be planning to be a student supervisor in external practice in the coming academic year.
A student who, in the context of their studies, becomes aware of someone’s personal affairs, is bound by confidentiality rules that apply to professionals in the relevant field, cf. § 4-6 of the Act relating to universities and colleges. The student is obliged to familiarize themselves with the provisions on confidentiality that apply to their field of study, cf. among other things, the Act relating to health personnel, the Act relating to social services, the Act relating to child welfare services. It is expected that the student signs a confidentiality agreement before starting their internship or at the beginning of their studies.
Course materials
Tveiten, Sidsel. Veiledning: Mer enn ord, Fagbokforlaget, last edition.
Other literature will be announced at course start.
Version: 1
10.0 SP
Study level: Further education, higher degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Medical Laboratory Technology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science
Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment