
DT8116 - Web Mining


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Oral examination
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Oral examination 100/100

Course content

The course is given annually, next time autumn 2024. Vital challenges to be covered include: similarity search, streaming data, social network analysis, web usage mining, and recommendation systems.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: Introduction to problems, principles, mechanisms, and techniques connected to mining large datasets. Skills: Similarity search, mining streaming data, social network analysis, synopses for massive data, web usage mining, and recommendation systems. Competence: Mining massive datasets.

Learning methods and activities

Joint colloquium and self study. If the course is taken by a high number of students, the oral examination may be replaced by a written examination.

Course materials

To be given at start of the semester.

More on the course

Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Computer and Information Science
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Computer Science