Course - Theatre Production - DRA1003
Theatre Production
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About the course
Course content
This course uses theatre production as a teaching model. The course covers an introduction to the planning, production and dissemination of a sustainable theatrical performance. Instruction is based on the interplay between practical work and theoretical reflection. The course will give the students a practice-based understanding of basic dramaturgical choices, stage processes and tools by working collectively in the process of a theatre production. The course relates to UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focusing on a sustainable use of materials and energy during the process and in the production. The students will be trained in interaction and in carrying out collective artistic processes.
Learning outcome
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have:
- Knowledge about different functions within the process of theatre production that follow sustainable principles
- Knowledge about basic concepts of dramaturgy and developing dramatic text into stage concepts.
- Knowledge of basic subject terminology.
- Knowledge about dramatic means and ways of working.
- Knowledge on sustainable solutions, working methods and principles in theatre production
Upon successful completion of this course, students will know how to:
- Plan and implement a theatre production that follows sustainable principles
- Develop independent concepts for staged plays or processes
- Collaborate on the development of collective artistic processes
- Apply terminology from the field and reflect on the production process both orally and in written form
- be critical of the use of materials and energy use in production from a sustainable perspective
Learning methods and activities
Instruction and tutoring is based on the interplay between practical work and theoretical reflection. For support in the learning process and to document reflection on academic issues, the production groups must each develop a production report. Prior to the production period, various seminars and lectures will be arranged aiming to provide a first introduction to applied dramaturgy, production planning etc. Course requirements: Compulsory practical seminars, production work and tutoring - in order to take the examination attendance and active participation must be minimum 80 %. The requirement of 80% attendance and active participation is absolute. The legitimate absence of 20 % covers absence due to illness or other causes. Absence exceeding this 20 % limit is not accepted, even if it's caused by circumstances the student cant purposely avoid. In special cases, like serious or long-term illness, the student can be given individual education by application to the department. Students are required to keep posted on messages from the department or teacher on Blackboard. Teaching is usually conducted in Norwegian, but may take place in English.
Compulsory assignments
- 80 % attendance in instructions
Further on evaluation
The final assessment of the course is a group examination. The examination consists of a performance of the group's theatrical production with an adjusting oral group exam that counts 2/3 of the total grade, and the group's production report with an adjusting oral group exam that counts 1/3 of the total grade. By failing the examination, the course must be retaken.
The examination production is based on a text, an idea, or a theme, and is developed in collaboration with a group. At the beginning of the production/examination period, the students will be given the text. The examination assignment defines the scope and the basis of the theatre production, the production report, and the group composition. The examination report must be delivered one week before the exam. The report must be between 10.000 and 14.000 words, exclusive attachments. The report must consist of one part written by the group, as well as individual parts from each group member.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Drama and Theatre (BDRAMA)
Drama and Theatre (ÅDRAMA)
Recommended previous knowledge
DRA1014 or DRA1011 and DRA1012, DRA1002.
Required previous knowledge
Course materials
Approx. 600 pages of set texts.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From |
HFDT102 | 15 sp |
Subject areas
- Drama and Theatre Studies