Course - Bachelors thesis - Technology Design and Management - BTEK391
BTEK391 - Bachelors thesis - Technology Design and Management
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Bachelor thesis
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Bachelor thesis | 100/100 |
Course content
The topic for the project is selected within the students discipline. The "The institute handbook for Bachelor thesis" give the formal regulations for the project.
Learning outcome
The Bachelor Dissertation completes students program of studies and integrates important components of the study program.
The subject for the Dissertation is chosen to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to independently consider defined problems in detail.
Students are required to show that they understand the need for a methodical approach to problems, and that they have the ability for reflection and scientific consideration.
On completing their Dissertation, students will have shown their competence:
- plan, organize and complete a significant problem
- find and document possible solutions to the problem; concerning advantages and disadvantages
- use relevant design thinking methodology according to the selected subject
- consider alternative working methods, including research and exploratory methods
- knowledge and skills concerning different techniques for visualization and materialization of ideas and concepts
- select their preferred solution, and document the arguments for their selection
- understand the advantages and disadvantages of working in a group
- understand the importance of making and following up good project plans
- be able to evaluate the result of the given project as a sustainable solution
- present their work using different techniques for visualization and materialization
Learning methods and activities
Compulsory assignments
- Approved exercises
Further on evaluation
If fail, the students are allowed, after appointment with the course responsible, to re-submit an improved version of the Project report.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Product Design and Technology (BTEKD)
Required previous knowledge
To registrer for assessment in the course a student must have passed 60 ECTS from the first year of the program and at least 50 ECTS from the courses in the second year of the program.
Course materials
See Norwegian version
Version: 1
22.5 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Gjøvik
- Product Design Engineering - Design Methodology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering