
BK3400 - Advanced Artistic Work 4 - Master Thesis


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Master Thesis
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Master Thesis 100/100

Course content

The course concentrates on the development of individual artistic practice and the contextualisation of the studio work. It covers the entire range from research and concept development, reflection, articulation and realization. During semester four, the MFA candidate completes a body of independent artwork known as the final thesis project. Each student must also submit a written component that accompanies the artwork. This critical reflection aims to provide knowledge and insight into the artwork. Each student should write a critical text that analyzes their process and the relationship of their work to contemporary art and discourse, with references to contemporary styles and particular artists. The presentation of the final thesis project is part of the annual international master exhibition, which takes place at the end of the semester in a major art venue in Trondheim. This final exhibition must be of a professional standard and with a unified concept, also produced collectively by all prospective graduating students in the International MFA program. In preparation of the forthcoming master exhibition, the course also sets out to explore the format of the exhibition and the practice of exhibiting. Exhibiting is an intrinsic part of artistic practice, as the tradition of viewing art is that of the exhibition. Through individual supervision, group discussions, guest lectures and workshops the course will investigate how publicly exhibiting or displaying work implies strategic relationships. Aspects of the collective master exhibition, such as choice of site, display and curatorial design,

Learning outcome

The objective is to focus and develop the MFA thesis project, which is to be presented and defended in the MFA exhibition and exam at the end of the two-year term. On completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate the artistic knowledge, skills and competence required for contemporary art practice at an international level
  • develop and carry out a large independent art project and exhibit it in a professional context
  • identify and evaluate artistic and ethical challenges, as well as relevant theoretical issues
  • analyse and communicate the intentions, values and meaning underlying their artistic work to an audience with and without artistic competence
  • demonstrate knowledge and independent skills in their artistic research and use them effectively
  • Establish, maintain, administer and present an artistic practice in a professional manner
  • Assess their own artistic work and take responsibility for their own academic and professional development
  • Negotiate and collaborate efficiently with others to initiate artistic projects Successful completion of the course, which results in an exhibited project in a group exhibition and passing an oral defense are the requirements needed to earn an MFA degree.

Learning methods and activities

The course covers a range of pedagogical formats and activities:

  • Participation in module/seminar 6: exhibiting strategies
  • Attendance of MFA meetings - planning and arranging a graduation group exhibition
  • Group critique in the form of meetings with fellow students and supervisors 
  • Individual tutorials/guidance meetings with the main supervisor and the co-supervisor
  • Submission of MFA thesis: individual artistic project, along with documentation and a written critical reflection text
  • Participation in MFA degree exhibition 
  • participation in learning activities such as supervision, group critiques and course specific seminars and projects is mandatory. 

Further on evaluation

Final assessment - Submission of a Master thesis

Eligibility by completion of 90 study credits. The progress review must be successfully passed in BK3306 Advanced Artistic Work 3, to be considered eligible to enter the final semester and submit an MFA thesis. 

During semester four, the MFA candidate completes a body of independent artwork known as the final thesis project. Each student must also submit a written component that accompanies the artwork.

The presentation of the final thesis project is part of the annual KiT International MFA Exhibition, which usually takes place in a major art venue in Trondheim / in a public presentation format online.

The final assessment comprises of three parts: presentation of a final artistic project, a written critical reflection and an oral examination. Successful completion of the exhibited project and passing the final exam are the requirements needed to earn an MFA degree.

The Final Project Thesis includes:

1. ​Final Artistic Project and Exhibition

The final cycle of each student’s studies culminates with a final exhibition, produced collectively by all prospective graduating students in the International MFA program. Within the exhibition, the MFA candidate presents an advanced body of independent artwork in their elected area of artistic research. The final exhibition must be of a professional standard and with a unified concept, also produced collectively.

The student will situate the artwork in one of the affiliated art venues or another space. It should address the spatial considerations, as well as the format of an exhibition within the site where the artwork is being installed. In the case of site-specific or time-based formats, that the student follows an equally professional approach, in consideration of setting, realization, and communication of the artwork.

2. Critical reflection text

Students are required to submit some form of written critical reflection - a text of 20.000 characters, including empty spaces.

The critical reflection aims to provide knowledge and insight into the artwork. The writing is a process of self-reflection and talks about the development of the work and reflection of the results. Each student should write a critical text that analyzes their process and the relationship of their work to contemporary art and discourse, with references to contemporary styles and particular artists.

Furthermore, the student has to deliver a professional dossier containing a short description, an artist's statement, documentation of the work/project and, if applicable, a video link, along with a detailed description of the thesis work/project.

The text and documentation should be delivered as compatible digital file formats or as a personal page in the Research Catalogue. All materials must be submitted in Inspera.

Submission date in Inspera: beginning of April (date will be announced at the start of the semester)

3. Oral Examination

Students must pass an oral examination within the frame of the thesis exhibition. A Thesis Review Committee, composed of the master student’s main supervisor and at least one external examiner from outside the Art Department, will conduct an oral examination to each student. The oral examination will cover the student’s work - both the written part and public presentation of work - and its relationship to the field of contemporary art.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Fine Art (MFA)

Required previous knowledge

The progress review must be successfully passed in BK3306 Advanced Artistic Work 3, to be considered eligible to enter the final semester and submit an MFA thesis. 

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  30.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2022

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Fine Art


Examination arrangement: Master Thesis

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Spring ORD Master Thesis 100/100





Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU