Course - M.Sc. Thesis in Sustainable Architecture - AAR4993
AAR4993 - M.Sc. Thesis in Sustainable Architecture
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Master thesis
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Master thesis | 100/100 |
Course content
A Master thesis is to a large extent an independent work where the candidate(s) demonstrates his/her ability to develop an architectural design project or a research report on a specific topic in the field of sustainable architecture.
Hence, there are two different routes towards a Master of Science diploma in Sustainable Architecture:
1) Architectural design project (drawings, models, text) or
2) A research based work or anthology (written report).
Learning outcome
The candidate
- has advanced knowledge of sustainable architecture as a field of knowledge; its theory and history as well as its technical, scientific, social and cultural basis, and can apply this knowledge in his/her own architectural design- or research work.
- has advanced aesthetic and technical understanding and can apply this knowledge in own architectural work or in research articles.
- has advanced experiential knowledge of the relationship between architectural representations at different levels of abstraction, and built architecture, cities and towns that are in use over time.
- has advanced knowledge about bioclimatic design, passive climatization strategies, life cycle assessment, zero emission buildings, and integrated energy design.
The candidate…
- is able to give form to architecture and/or neighbourhoods at a high international architectural level through artistic and scientific investigations, concept development, and architectural design in relevant formats
- is able to structure and develop a scientific research work relating to state of the art knowledge and ongoing research activities.
- is trained in the use of architectural methods, tools and expressions, and can apply these in architectural design, urban design and/or research, in a targeted, professional and experimental manner.
- is able to critically assess and recognise quality in architectural works, cities, projects and urban plans, including in his/her own work, and make use of such assessments in his/her own architectural work.
General competence:
The candidate...
- takes independent responsibility for his/her own learning and professional development and is able to apply his/her knowledge in new fields.
- is able to reflect critically and ethically on his/her own architectural design or research work, create new frameworks for understanding, and depart from conventions after critical consideration.
- is able to communicate architectural work, both design and research, including his/her own and others work to specialists as well as to the general public at a professional level and in an academic context.
- relates his/her professional competence and involvement to key societal issues.
- can independently and critically use the knowledge acquired throughout the master programme in research or architectural design projects.
Learning methods and activities
Individual work with guidance from a supervisor. Workshops and intermediate group presentations accompany the process.
Further on evaluation
The master's thesis can be done:
1) Individually
2) In groups of two students with individual assessment
In the assignment type 2, each student's contribution needs to be clearly identifiable. Students are allowed to choose assignment type 2 provided that they themselves organize the group and that the supervisor for the group approves this.
All candidates are required to submit a master thesis contract with their main supervisor before starting the master project. In the case of a group assignment, the partnership will be noted in this contract.
There are up to three presentations in the course (concept, mid-term, and final) where the students present the work, the content, and the progress of their thesis. The presentations provide the candidates the opportunity to show and clarify their work to a wider audience and receive feedback.
The final presentation is after the thesis has been submitted and it is mandatory.
In presenting their work students can follow a standard outline including a brief introduction of the topic, with a brief state of the art analysis, an explanation of the thesis scope and the methodologies used for reaching results that are presented and discussed before the conclusion.
External and internal examiners will discuss and grade the thesis. The grade is jointly determined by the two examiners, but the external examiner has the last word. The external examiner is responsible for writing a short feedback and justification for the grade given. The final grade is based on the delivered material. The evaluation committee adopts the NTNU grading scale in the evaluation.
The master's thesis must be written in English.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Sustainable Architecture (MSSUSARC)
Required previous knowledge
All required courses in the previous semesters in the MSc programme in sustainable architecture must have been passed (90 ECT). The faculty may accept that a maximum of one course of 7.5 ECTS is not completed provided that course is not considered essential for starting the work with the master thesis.
Course materials
NTNU master thesis templates and other material helping in conducting a master's thesis.
Version: 1
30.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Architecture
- Barbara Szybinska Matusiak
- Eva Patricia Schneider-Marin
- Francesco Goia
- Gearoid Patrick Lydon
- Inger Andresen
- Luca Finocchiaro
- Niki Gaitani
- Siri Katrine Ursin
- Tommy Kleiven
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Architecture and Technology