
AAR4611 - Making is Thinking. Where Architecture and Other Creative Disciplines Overlap


Lessons are not given in the academic year 2024/2025

Course content

The aim of the course is to go deeper into the basic questions of architecture and at the same time contribute to an expanded understanding of the architect's role, responsibilities and professional identity.

Making is Thinking is based on the premise that we educate candidates who will take on many societal responsibilities; from public administration, research and development, to the traditional role as a practicing architect. In order to actively contribute to- and lay the foundations for societal development through our professional competence, it is important that we do not define our role too narrowly.

The course;

  • acknowledges aesthetics and art as a main dimension of architecture and investigates the field where architecture cross-pollinates with other creative disciplines
  • seeks to achieve architectural and artistic aesthetic cognition through a practicing and theoretical approach.
  • achieve real impact by actively contribute to the urban development by making live interventions with real stakeholders that engages with the public

Learning outcome

Making is Thinking offers challenging assignments in the span from generating conceptual ideas to site-specific interventions, to create engagement in the meeting between people and places. The candidates are challenged to take a critical position as professionals and contribute actively to the societal development.

In this course, the link between practice and theory / reflection is important. The course draws upon on the theory course AAR4909Aesthetics, theory and practice in architecture and emphasizes how this knowledge can be used and translated into architectural solutions. The knowledge is articulated through reflection by discussions and in logs. Through this kind of effort, we aim for an awareness and knowledge of our own learning process.


The candidate;

  • shall, based on creative activities, literature studies, lectures, workshops and reflection of own practice, develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of the working methods of the architectural discipline and be acquainted with the working methods of other creative disciplines. The knowledge must be developed to a level where the candidate can independently assess a suitable methodological approach for an architectural problem.
  • shall be enabled to develop professional knowledge on the basis of creative practice, as well as the theories and methods the course introduces, with the aim of breaking own frame of understanding and overcome learning thresholds.
  • must have in-depth knowledge of design methodology and various creative methods
  • has an understanding and knowledge of the interaction between disciplines, relevant to the field of architecture
  • has a basic understanding of the Building design process from idea to realisation


The candidate;

  • can on an independent basis, by professional judgment and analyses, develop architectural briefs
  • manages to plan and organize project work in collaboration with partners and stakeholders and can initiate and carry out actions, physical interventions and events.
  • has developed skills in teamwork, both as a contributor and team leader
  • can design advanced architectural ideas in an exploratory and experimental way.
  • has skills in mixed media as well as analogue and digital drawing- and modelling tools, from idea development to presentation
  • can convey advanced architectural concepts orally, in writing, visually and through alternative methods (video, essays etc.) as well as the architectural profession's conventional working methods, tools and forms of expression.
  • Will, in addition to the conventional the content of the curriculum, be introduced to various techniques, tools and materials. What kind will vary, depending on the present theme. (examples from earlier: Welding, screen printing, bioplastic production etc.)
  • manage to bridge experimental exercises, theory and architectural design
  • Has an extended ability for divergent thinking and master various kinds of creative methodologies - at the interface between architectural and artistic processes


The candidate;

  • has developed further towards an independent professional platform.
  • has an in-depth understanding of- and the ability to reflect critically on own learning and practice by creating new frameworks of understanding and by challenging conventions
  • Has a better ability to uncover more possibilities by making creative use of, and appreciating the unusual, the strange and the unexpected
  • - has achieved increased ability to improvise and to find solutions to unforeseen and complex situations.
  • acknowledge that making mistakes is a precondition for all creative work and dares to work exploratory and experimental
  • can on a qualified basis be able to take an independent position on social and professional ethical issues (i.e. by exercising architectural criticism)
  • has a solid basis for further independent (research and) development work such as; to develop their own master's thesis, scientific and artistic practice or PhD and generally as a basis for professional practice.

Learning methods and activities

The course offers challenging assignments in the span from generating conceptual ideas («Urban scale project») to site-specific interventions («Urban pilot»)

The course consists of four main parts:

1. "Urban pilot» Full-scale construction project.

2. «Urban scale", project» Architectural design project, conceptual level.

3. «Reflection» Visual essay (or video essay)

4. «Communication» Exhibition (physical or digital)

All phases start with exercises and workshops that aims to "open up" and trigger the creative process and expand the space of opportunities. These exercises have an intrinsic value, but it is emphasized that it is crucial how one manages to translate these experiences into the architectural solutions.

The course emphasizes the process and the importance of studying issues from many different angles, with the goal of finding innovative or perhaps surprising solutions. The course recognizes that making mistakes is a prerequisite for all creative work and consequently emphasizes on exploratory and experimental processes.

"Urban pilot"

We start straight to the point with physical, site-specific intervention(s) in a hot spot location, with real clients and involving the public. In this assignment the students receive a specific brief from the client and will develop a project from idea to completed construction. This project will usually be linked to a larger event.

«Urban scale project»

We look at the larger context and the students must themselves assess what they believe can contribute positively to urban development and carry out a project that responds to their own assignment. Architecture is not just about finding the right answers to given problems - it is also about being able to take a stand and ask relevant questions. The students will thus not be given a brief to which they will respond. They will formulate, test and develop their own architectural agenda. They must take responsibility for the programming of the task and respond to the site-specific challenges through architectural processing. The answer can just as well be an architectural design proposal as an article or a video.


Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to keep a log of their work and learning process. The log can e.g. take the form of a scrapbook. It can be analog or digital, but it is important that it contains drawings, photos of models, collages or videos. The learning experience and milestones in the work are also logged here. The log is personal and will not be evaluated, but it provides an important basis for the visual essay. In the essay, you will have the opportunity to connect experiences from the theory course and how it has affected the work. The essay will be part of an anthology about the course as a whole and the pedagogical approach in Making is Thinking.


Process, reflections and results will be presented in an exhibition at the end of the semester. It can be physical and / or digital. The choice of methods, tools and materials and the architectural quality is important for the but also for the exhibition.

In all parts of the course, students receive tutoring by staff from the FORM group, external partners and not least from their fellow students (peer assisted learning). The external contributors come will be professionals from the arts and culture field, the municipality and perhaps from business, industry and other relevant academic environments at NTNU.

The teacher will inform students at the start of the semester if there will be a voluntary excursion. Students who participate in voluntary excursions will be expected to pay an individual sum. Students who choose not to participate in the voluntary excursion will be offered an alternative teaching plan.

Further on evaluation

Architectural quality, the conceptual ideas and the process is considered the most important aspects of this course. Creative risk will be highly rewarded. Experimental approaches towards methods, tools and visualization methods are given great weight, in addition to expanding the scope of possibilities within the architectural profession's conventional methods, tools and materials. Efforts and initiatives in teamwork are emphasized highly. (participation is mandatory). If your contribution to the teamwork are modest or insufficient, it will have consequences for the overall assessment and the result. On the other hand, effort and initiative will be awarded.

The projects will be exhibited and presented orally, at the reviews at the end of the semester. The oral presentation itself is not included as part of the assessment. An eventual complaint can only be submitted after the final grade has been given. In the case of postponed or non-passed projects, a new or revised work of the individual works must be submitted, within a time limit stipulated by the course coordinator. Requirements for submission of material and sensor guidance are available on Blackboard shortly after the initial assessment period.

Specific conditions

Limited admission to classes. For more information:

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Architecture (MAAR)
Architecture (MAAR2)

Required previous knowledge

Minimum three-years of basic courses in architecture.

Course materials

The participants should bring common tools required for the architectural study. A list for the specific artistic equipment will be disseminated at the start of the semester. These will vary depending on the theme and assignments in the current course

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
AAR4612 15.0 AUTUMN 2022
More on the course

Version: 1
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level



Language of instruction: English, Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Architecture- and Design History
  • Architectural Theory
  • Architecture
Contact information

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Architecture and Technology


  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU