
AAR4553 - Transformation - Buildings in Change


Lessons are not given in the academic year 2024/2025

Course content

The subject of the course is architectural design of interventions on existing buildings from the 20th century, where the architectural and functional values and potential of the building will form the main premise for the choice of solutions. The use / function of the building may have changed or have ceased, but the building represents historical, technical and architectural values that justify that it can and should be reused and rebuilt. Adaptation to new energy, resource and environmental requirements will be part of the task. A thorough knowledge of the history, architecture and building techniques of the building in question is required. For this purpose he course is combined with the course AAR4811 Analysis of built structures, which is arranged during the first 6 weeks of the semester.

Learning outcome

KNOWLEDGE: Utilization of documentation of buildings as the basis for planning and design of interventions and additions. To be able to perform a survey, description and assessment of a building; its characteristics, qualities and possibilities, historically, technically and architecturally, as the basis for the design of interventions and changes. Basic knowledge of the legal and political management of existing buildings and cultural heritage. Basic knowledge of current laws and regulations concerning energy management, access for disabled, and fire security. SKILLS: Architectural design informed by thorough knowledge of the context into which interventions and changes are to be made. Ability to identify qualities in existing buildings, and their possibilities for future use by enhancing the qualities by interventions and additions. Technically and aesthetically sustainable solutions when connecting excisting and new. GENERAL COMPETENCE: The ability to reflect upon the role of the architect in working with buildings of cultural heritage value. Acknowledging the existing built environment as a cultural heritage to be respected and constitute a premise in future development.

Learning methods and activities

The course is based on a design task for an existing building or built environment and is compulsory related to the course AAR4811 Analysis of built structures, which consists of a deep examination of the building. During the following design process it is required that the students make use of the documentation as a precondition for the design proposal. The teaching is based on individual supervision, site visits, lectures and seminars on relevant topics. Students work individually or in groups of two with the project assignment.

The teacher will inform students at the start of the semester if there will be a voluntary excursion. Students who participate in voluntary excursions will be expected to pay an individual sum. Students who choose not to participate in the voluntary excursion will be offered an alternative teaching plan.

Requirements for submitted material: Drawings that illustrate the project in an understandable manner and so that important points are not omitted. Situation plan; plans, sections and facades as well as details can be included in the material supplied. Submitted material can be adapted to the nature of the task. The drawings must be delivered both printed and digitally. Model and other extras can be supplied but are not mandatory. Students are given the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from the evaluator. Assessment guidelines will be prepared and posted on Blackboard shortly after submission.

Further on evaluation

Grades are based on assessment of the project work with corrective oral assessment. It will be announced in the start of the semester about the nature and scope of the various works. The student will conduct an oral presentation (corrective oral assessment) of the project work to the examiner.

In the event of a postponed exam or failure, a new or revised project assignment in the course must be submitted within a deadline set by the person responsible for the course, normally conducted in the next exam period.

Specific conditions

Limited admission to classes. For more information:

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Architecture (MAAR)
Architecture (MAAR2)

Required previous knowledge

Completed three years basic courses in architecture, bachelor in architecture or equivalent. The course must be taken in combination with AAR4811 Analysis of built structures during the same semester, as this course includes the field work providing the necessary background material for the project work. The course is based on a real situation where students will cooperate with involved stakeholders like owners, tenants and public managers. They will need to relate to current laws and regulations, planning documents and relevant literature. As most of this information only is available in Norwegian, it is a prerequisite that the students can read and speak/understand Norwegian or other Scandinavian languages.

Course materials

Lecture handouts et cetera will be provided during the course.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level



Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Architectural History
  • Building Technology
  • Architecture
Contact information

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Architecture and Technology


  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU