Course - Design in Context - AAR4528
AAR4528 - Design in Context
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Portfolio
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Portfolio | 100/100 |
Course content
The course goal is to introduce the students to a more complex design development environment where different projects will be develop through analysis, ideation, design development and/or assessment towards completion and evaluation. The projects can be based on design development, design & build or research-and-development (R&D). The students are able to work on their own design development competency, especially within wood architecture, organisation and management of projects and participation in R&D projects that are ongoing at NTNU or partners during the course. During all projects, the students are expected to work in a cross-disciplinary environment and approach.
Learning outcome
---Knowledge: The Candidate has... - Knowledge of theory on architectural project development. - Experienced and theoretical knowledge on collaboration in architectural development - Technical knowledge on the design of small scale wood architecture ---Skills: The Candidate can.... - Analyze, evaluate and discuss different elements of the architectural development process of a small scale structure or building. - Develop a small scale wood-based project as part of a team - Orient themselves within and draw knowledge from closely associated fields of knowledge ---Competence: The Candidate can... - Communicate their work professionally and in an academic context - Take responsibility for their own learning and professional development, and to use their insights in new and novel ways. - Reflect critically on their own work, create new frames of understanding and break down conventions. - Reflect and place their own work in an ethical framework within the field of architectural practice.
Learning methods and activities
The course will only accept 15 students. The course is organised as an architectural office with assignments. The students will organise themselves as a self-guided team that will manage their projects from the first client dialogue to completion. The projects will run in parallel and the team needs to assign responsibilities, tasks and projects between themselves to work efficiently. The individual students are given great freedom to develop their own competency within the framework of the project portfolio. The faculty does not oblige itself to teach the course if there are fewer than 12 students enrolled in the project course (15 study points) and fewer than 12 students enrolled in the associated theory course (7.5 study points)
The teacher will inform students at the start of the semester if there will be a voluntary excursion. Students who participate in voluntary excursions will be expected to pay an individual sum. Students who choose not to participate in the voluntary excursion will be offered an alternative teaching plan.
Compulsory assignments
- Mandatory participation in the design and construction phase of the projects
Further on evaluation
Grades are based on assessment of a portfolio and oral presentation. The portfolio should contain digital posters with professionally executed architectural drawings, illustrations, descriptive text, and model photographs that document the final project work in the course. All digital material should be delivered for censorship within the stated deadline. For the oral presentation exam, the student must give an oral presentation of the project work for censorship. Participation in the design and construction phase of the projects is mandatory. All compulsory exercises must be submitted and approved to be able to submit the final exam.
Specific conditions
Limited admission to classes. For more information:
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Architecture (MAAR)
Architecture (MAAR2)
Recommended previous knowledge
Experience with teamwork, for instance from Experts in Team. Good oral english skills.
Required previous knowledge
Completed three years basic courses in architecture, bachelor in architecture or equivalent. The course must be taken in combination with AAR4863 Design in Context Workshop.
Course materials
Course material will be based on the project portfolio. Students are encouraged to find and evaluate study materials as part of the course.
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Extraordinary deadline for course registration: 2024-06-01
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Extraordinary deadline for course registration: 2024-12-01
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Architecture
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Architecture and Technology