The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures

The Project

The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures

– Objectification, Measurement and Standardization as Social Processes

List of Publications

1. Aspects relating to the research project

These are some modes of contemporary objectification which demand both in-depth studies and integrative efforts:

  • increased quantification and measurement of social life,
  • standardization undertaken by national and international organizations,
  • commensuration in all forms,
  • the rise of a culture of indicators,
  • financialization of the economy,
  • New Public Management,
  • "the audit society",
  • cognitive and reflexive capitalism,
  • the expansion of medical diagnoses,
  • evidence-based medicine,
  • contemporary construction of scientific objects,
  • patenting and the management of intellectual property rights (including the safeguarding of traditional cultures),
  • the mediatization of reality,
  • the return of religion
  • branding, design and fashion, contemporary forms of celebrity and fame
  • new object strategies in the arts, conceptual art and performance, musical sampling
  • commodification and branding of identities, performativity and citationality
  • objectification and "outsourcing" of emotional life.

Some of these themes will be investigated in depth (see the individual projects below), but always with an integrative purpose in mind. It is our ambition to show that these modes of objectification converge and mold emerging patterns of meaning and morality, and bring new notions of thing- and personhood into being. It is through the study of these effects that we will be able to corroborate our view that these objectifying technologies function as cultural premises and that they cohere in a cultural logic, in spite of the diversity they display on the surface. An important part of the project will be to develop conceptual tools to trace the strands of this coherence.

The topics listed above enter into contemporary political debates about governmentality, management, financial upheaval, education, identity politics, moral reorientation, religious renewal and artistic innovation. In theorizing these matters, we hope to make a contribution to public discourse about these issues as well and to improve our understanding of cultural premises which shape contemporary thought, political strategies and institutional arrangements.

1.1 Background and status of knowledge

A considerable number of researchers (including the ones who are participants in this project) have made important contributions to our understanding of contemporary forms of objectification, including the contemporary expansion of measurement and standardization. But many of them are specialized studies with limited unifying ambitions, a tendency we seek to rectify.

While all epochs and all cultures manifest dominant modes of objectification, some eras more than others display a passion for quantification. The 20th and the present centuries are in the grip of "the will to quantify", perhaps unparalleled since the Renaissance (Crosby, 1997), the Enlightenment (Frängsmyr et a., 1990) and "the statistical 19th century" (see the sub-projects of Porter and Poovey/Brine below). Quantification, measurement, standardization and the rise of a "culture of indicators" (Merry, 2011) are not simply ways of organizing pre-given entities, but are performative and generative technologies. They create institutional objects (Porter, below) and  there is a relationship between statistical systems and modes of governance, between numerical representation and regimes of control and dominance. Not only are numbers a form of representation (along with the forms of narrativity and visualization), but quantification, measurement and standardization give rise to forms of subjectivity (Cañas Bottos, below) and carry with them a range of normativities (Garsten, below).

The project will bring together distinguished scholars from several fields, many of whom have done pioneering work on subjects which enter into the general project, e.g. Porter (1995), Poovey (1998), Rapport (2002), Garsten (2002), Røyrvik (2011), Coombe (1998), Olwig (2002), Larsen (2010).  

In addition to work published by the participants themselves, there is a fund of knowledge and insight upon which we will draw in our concerted efforts to integrate the separate themes and bring out the cultural logic at work in them: general thing theory (e.g. Brown, ed. (2004), Latour and Weibel (eds), 2005, Lash and Lury, 2007), general classification theory (e.g. Jasanoff, 2004, Hacking, 2002, Bowker and Star (1999)), work on quantification and commensuration (Verran, 2011, Espeland, 1998, Povinelli 2001), the generative nature of quantification and entification (Rose, 1999, Ruppert, 2009, Hayden, 2003, Sætnan et al, 2011), the relationship between measurement and governance (Merry, 2011, Rottenburg et al, 2009, Dufour, 2008), the measurement and management of emotional life (Hochschild, 2003, Illouz, 2007), object strategies in the arts (Robinson, 2010, Blom, 2007).

1.2. Approaches, hypotheses and choice of method

The co-investigators represent disciplines like anthropology, anthropology of art, music, comparative literature, history, history of science, sociology, geography, law. These will, naturally, bring the approaches and methods pertaining to their own fields to the project. But the main methods are field work and archival research, sometimes in combination. The non-Norwegian scholars will engage with what they call "the Trondheim conversation" by forging ahead with research already begun or newly undertaken, provided that they receive financial support to do field work and archival work from our project. By "The Trondheim conversation" the participants refer to the fact that NTNU had an active "standardization circle" from the late 1990s until 2005, when we hosted an international conference on identity, globalization and standardization. They also refer to the intellectual energies and interdisciplinary synergies that were unleashed at our first pre-project conference in Trondheim in January 2012.

The sub projects are conveniently divided into five thematic categories, organized in the following five work packages (WP1-5):

  1. Genealogies of some quantifying technologies. Some of these helped produce the scientization of mental disease and the notions of person and morality consonant with that development (Porter); other statistical practices helped bring about the notion of "national economy" (Poovey/Brine).
  2. Blim, Røyrvik and Sørhaug offer analyses of contemporary processes which Porter and Poovey/Brine have described historically. They all address, in different ways, "the calculative turn" and bring out the cultural logic which informs present day economics. This includes the normativity inherent in quantification technologies like standards (Garsten).
  3. The sub projects which examine the emergence of new entities: mediatization of biomedicine (Briggs), transformations of the landscape (Olwig) and the entifying strategies inherent in New Public Management (Almklov).
  4. Standardizing pressures in the arts which foster new cultures of listening (Hui), movement (Ram), and pictorial representation (Rapport)  which in turn influence social life.
  5. Contemporary cultural understandings of identity and subjectivity and their relationship to quantification (Canas Bottos), legal rhetoric and the transformation of "culture" from cognitive horizon to intellectual property (Coombe), standardization and its effect on individuality (Rapport) and the changes in contemporary forms of communication and ethical discourse brought about by measurement and entification (Larsen).

The researchers will meet for a series of workshops and meeting as well as annual conferences. The papers delivered at the annual conferences will be published as anthologies or in special issues of appropriate journals.

In addition to the participants who have committed themselves to submitting papers and books, we have an entourage of equally distinguished scholars who have taken great interest in our project: James Scott (Yale),Veena Das (Johns Hopkins), Arlie Hochschild (Berkeley), Todd Sanders (U of Toronto), Catherine Wilson (U of Aberdeen), Geert Lovink (U of Amsterdam), Eva Illouz (Hebrew University), Elizabeth Hall (U of Toronto), Ina Blom (U of Oslo), Henrik Sinding-Larsen (U of Oslo), Einar Flydal (Telenor), Aud Sissel Hoel (NTNU).They will attend our conferences at their convenience, contribute papers and function as discussants, but they have not committed themselves to writing papers or books under the auspices of the project.

WP1: Genealogies of some quantifying technologies

In his earlier work, Porter has documented the significance of what he calls technologies of quantification for the emergence of new regimes of knowledge and new theoretical entities. In this project he intends to show how the need to harmonize hospital statistics prepares the ground for present day evidence-based medicine. Asylum knowledge in the late 19th century was primarily statistical and represented a wave of quantification corresponding in time and sensibility with the rise of public statistics. Afflictions which at the outset seemed heterogeneous were made commensurable, and the classification of illness was partly a result of how hospital administrators met the challenge of harmonizing statistics. Porter's intention is also to document how these changes were instrumental in relocating mental disease from the domain of moral philosophy to the domain of science, thus redefining the notion of the person and reducing the scope for moral discourse.

Poovey/Brine set out to document how financial modelling has become the paradigmatic mode of producing knowledge and organizing assumptions about value since the 1890s. They argue that the corporatization of US businesses was instrumental in redefining economics from a deductive science to an empirical one, effecting changes in notions of action and agency, and contributing to the formation of "the economy" as a separate province of life. Practices were standardized for statistical purposes and commensuration was achieved  by making comparable different kinds of data:  the prices of commodities, the relative prices of gold and silver, and the purchasing power of money. Statistics became a dominant mode of representation and  the notion of «national economy»  was constructed partly out of the new statistical practices which enabled economists to scale up from the operations of a single corporation to the level of a national aggregate.

WP2: The cultural logic of the calculative turn

Sørhaug: Processes of measurement constitute the very the core of modernization. Financialization of the economy and the New Public Management in the public sector are both evidence of the new "calculative turn", and measurements are in themselves part of the forces of production.  In some influential enterprises, measurement is the force of production. Valuation is inseparable from value creation, and the economy (and organization) is turned into performance. Sørhaug's historical point of departure is 1971 when president Richard Nixon eliminated the gold standard, and the international money system lost a stable referent. In the classical theory of commodification, things appear as creators of value (Marx). In the new economic cosmology, relations and not things are seen as creators of value, and investment in relations replace investment in things as a strategy for profit. The emphasis on relations provides new premises for control and ownership, and it is possible to discuss if that shift will herald a return of referentiality which was lost with the elimination of the gold standard.

Røyrvik: Several commentators have described the globalized economy's present predicament in terms of an enchanted virtual reality (Røyrvik 2011), in which finance capital has achieved a high degree of autonomy from the real economy. Harvey (1994) noted that under conditions of postmodernity capitalism has become dominated by an economy of signs rather than of things, while Clegg (2004) characterized this development as finance capital taking on a hyperreal quality. In his sub project Røyrvik will modify these claims by showing how the current situation sees a move from a "virtual reality economy" to an "economy of real virtuality". He suggests that financialization has invested economic entities and capital goods with differential reality statuses. The financial derivatives market is particularly illustrative of real virtuality: Derivatives create their surface appearance by creatively presupposing social contexts of use, which economistic analysis then (mis)takes as an objective, external and imposed reality.

Blim: In his project: "The Erosion of Stock Market Facts" Blim notes that the most notable trend after the economic crisis of 2008 is yet to be examined closely: the transformation of securities markets into arenas of price arbitrage whereby stock prices signify themselves as prices, rather than as representations of the value of the capital of the firm for which they were historically assumed to stand. His hypothesis is that to the extent that arbitrage has become the normative stock trading activity, stock prices themselves are reflecting no more information than their "dollar" value. Phrased with a linguistic metaphor, prices have become signs of themselves; other "signifieds" related to the firms whose value prices are supposed to reflect, figure much less in their trade. If this is correct that prices in securities markets are reflecting more their value as arithmetic numbers in the securities markets than the value of the capital they are said to represent, this could have a major significance for theories about how capital markets are operating. Blim will explore some of the consequences of this shift and their repercussions on our notions of economic facts.

Garsten: Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) open up new sites of normativity. Standards in general are important forms of coordination and governance, and standards of CSR harmonize norms at the transnational level. The universalist and rationalist way through which standards exert their normative power means that they risk squeezing out local processes of contestation and political articulation. These social concerns and moral values are translated into abstract and transversal standards. The negotiation of values is pivotal to this translation, and the project will contribute to an understanding of these political processes of value negotiation, including the inclusion of morality in an economic calculus or the possibility that morality itself may be contaminated – as it were – by the instrumentalisms of corporate ideology.

WP3: The emergence of new entities

Briggs: The role of mediatizion in biomedicalization is underappreciated. Media do not simply report on entities which are pregiven in medical discourse, but are instrumental in their definition from the outset. "Biomedicalization" is reconfiguring both the human and the nonhuman as new objects. His ethnography (which will be continued under the present project) suggests that mediatization begins before a molecule is tested clinically or a policy is developed. This means that media are never absent from the articulation of medical discourse,  media enter into it from the first moment, spinning a cognitive design on the health issues. Brigg's work has taken him to several countries in Latin America to investigate the media construction of medical affairs. He will continue his work in Latin America in the present project, but also extend it to Hong Kong/China and Norway.

Olwig: The Nordic word Thing is derived from the northern European assembly known as the thing – a concept that has received renewed attention especially through the writings of Martin Heidegger and Bruno Latour.  In modern society the concept of the thing has been reified so that the thing is now largely seen to be an object which can be objectified through measurement and standardization, thereby masking the social component of things, as often occurs in "scientific" discourse. The same kind of reification has occurred with landscape, so that landscape is now largely seen as an object, land or an assemblage of objects constituting the land, which can be mapped, scaled, quantified and categorized. In his empirical research Olwig will focus on the example of Landscape Character Assessments being undertaken in The Lake District of England, a system which precedes the modern conceptualization of landscape as something that is conceptualized through diagraming, mapping, boundary making, scaling, quantification and categorization.  For comparative purposes, Olwig will examine Sami reindeer herding, which makes use of principles similar to the traditional shepherding practices in the Lake district, but which are up against the landscape regulation policies of Norway and Sweden, notable for their drive to standardize and quantify management practices.

Almklov: Previous research has suggested that the control-regimes in NPM strengthens the "contrast" between what is easily objectified, measured and quantified and more diffuse, contextual and relational organizational qualities. Almklov & Antonsen (2010) suggests that what they call "commoditization" of work processes may even actively suppress informal networks, local competence and other qualities of work that are not easily coded into the infrastructures of transparency and accountability. Such commoditization of work, framing work as consisting of atomistic, standardized product-like entities demonstrates how processes of entification/objectification function as cultural premises for the organization of work in modern societies. The proposed activity will specifically look at ICTs (e.g. reporting and documentation systems) as an enabler for ever more fine-grained entification of work, and stronger, more detailed accountability regimes. Their global reach and increasing interconnectedness gives an increasing (spatial and conceptual) mobility to standardized data (Latour, 1987; Bowker & Star 1999; Almklov, 2008). They enable a more fine-grained coding of the world, an entification ad absurdum, where the standardized entities by which we seek to understand and manage the world are getting smaller and simpler and more ubiquitous, while never fully capturing all ("non-entifiable") qualities of situated work. The activity will partly build on previous studies of Norwegian public sectors, as well as a field study in health/social services. It combines insights from Science and Technology Studies and approaches to NPM from organizational/institutional studies.

WP4: Standardizing pressures in the arts

Hui: Will in the course of the project period finish her work on the cultural and intellectual history of environmental music in the 20th century, and initiate a separate project on the sounds of nature. Both projects are about cultures of listening and she examines how such cultures – and indeed our capacity to hear and listen – are shaped by pressures toward standardization and normalization. The first part of her contribution – to be included in a book tentatively completed by 2015 – will examine the role of cognitive and behavioral psychologists in the production of music designed to be consumed and acted upon to reduce anxiety, increase efficiency, encourage consumption. New technologies of recording and efforts by psychologists to design music which affected behavior without being "noticed" fostered  a new culture of listening.  In her new research, which will be initiated in the course of our project, Hui will examine the processes by which the sounds of nature are objectified and normalized through the cultivation and standardization of new forms of listening, arguing that there is a listening equivalent to the Foucauldian gaze.

Ram: Kalpana Ram will examine the place of aesthetics in the making of Indian nationalism in the post-independence era and the tension between standardization/neoliberal rationalization on the one hand and a non-rationalized life-world on the other. Standardization, rationalization as well as other modern imperatives such as market based commercialism have entered the traditional sphere, but they are widely regarded as encroachments on a coherent and valuable non-rationalized life-world. The shift, under neo-liberalism, from state to corporate sponsorship results in the search for independence for artists to keep alive their complex traditions. This project proposes to examine the tensions that ensue as a result of these deliberate attempts at keeping alive a domain of highly elaborated aesthetic practices. Gurus are caught between the non-rationalized unstructured informal version of teaching, and the formal system of standardized curriculum. 

WP5: Contemporary cultural understandings of identity and subjectivity

Rapport's work concerns the ways in which the social processes of objectification, measurement and standardization entail a distortion of identity. On the one hand, these processes are rational and democratic: each member of society, each social situation, is standardised (becoming a statistic) such that equal treatment is anonymously extended throughout a citizenry. On the other hand anonymity and objectification do not do justice to subjectivity: individual difference is misconstrued. My question is whether one can rationally take account of individuality. Rapport's way of approaching the question is through an historical case-study. It concerns the artist Stanley Spencer, one of Britain's foremost twentieth-century painters. Approaching his work and his life—his relations to his paintings, his relations to his domestic circle and wider public—as a social-anthropological topic of investigation, he will examine the ways in which identity and its distortion figured and was treated by Spencer. For Spencer painted distorted figures of the human as part of his oeuvre and his work was, in turn, treated as a disfiguring, ugly distortion of human reality by members of his public. At the same time Spencer felt his ‘distortive' representation to be the truest likeness identity and relationality that he could effect. Rapport's intention is to use this case-study as a lens through which to focus upon wider social issues.

Cañas Bottos: Processes of standardization are at work in the making of national citizens and in their subjectivities, and cases of migration and integration pose challenges to nation making projects. This case study focuses on on the construction of subjectivities in contemporary Argentina, with a focus on the Syro-Lebanese. Particularly, his work will examine how processes of integration and nationalization that follow immigration interact with those of cultural differentiation. Like most "New World" nation states, and previous to the notion of "multiculturalism", Argentina has been constructed following guiding fictions that gave central place to immigration in the construction of a modern nation. However, not all immigrants were considered equal and those from the Middle East were placed at the bottom of the official preference scale. Despite their initial classification as an "undesirable" group for official immigratory policy, a good number of individuals of Syro-Lebanese descent have managed to achieve a high degree of success and integration. This study will focus in the making of a multicultural citizenship, and their related subjectivities. It will focus on the underlying structures of power that articulate labels like, Turks, Syro-Lebanese, Argentines and Argentines of Syro-Lebanese descent. Cañas Bottos' project will respond to the program's call for a study of the impact of multiculturalism on societal development.

Coombe's contribution is in part about the transformation of "culture" from horizon within which we think to intellectual property of which we are in possession. Her study is an examination of how notions of culture enter into legal discourse, partly articulated by international organizations (like UNESCO, Wipo), partly articulated by minorities and aboriginal groups themselves - communities which have come to frame their needs, demands and aspirations culturally. Only little scholarship has been devoted to the relationship between culture claims and rights discourses and the changing legal climate in which new pressures are put upon states to recognize minorities, identify their heritage, and locate and capitalize upon cultural expressions. NGOs that seek to empower local communities, reify traditions as sources of "social capital" and encourage peoples to adopt an entrepreneurial attitude towards the social relations of reproduction that have traditionally sustained them. Foucauldian theories of governmentality suggest that the new emphasis on cultural community in neoliberalism accomplishes a distinctive form of subjectification. Anthropologists do indeed show significant correlations between neoliberalism and the growth of ethnic and indigenous identifications.

Larsen's contribution will in part be an analysis of how contemporary forms of objectification, measurement and standardization have generated changes in vocabularies, forms of legitimation and justification as they can be found in the media (mainly Norwegian print media). It is in the media – and in everyday life - that we can see how these processes insinuate themselves into everyday talk, and shape the way we describe the world, legitimate our actions and justify our practices. This part of his sub project will include an inventory of typical modes of entification, the causalization of interactional language, the invasion of art forms in social life (styling, branding, performance) and the consequent transformation of ethics and communicative styles. This work has been going on for more than a decade (Larsen 2009, 2010) and will be brought to completion in the course of the project period. In addition to doing content analysis of media, he will do a study of the way facts are established in forensic psychiatry (based on document analysis and interviews with psychiatrists and lawyers, 2013) revisit the Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia, where he did fieldwork during the early 1970s to investigate how these processes impact the cultural strategies of minorities and lay premises for multicultural interaction in a modern nation state (2014); do a study of the process in which standards are established (field work in one of the committees of Norsk Standard or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2015).

Almklov, Petter G.

Blim, Michael

Briggs, Charles

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo

Coombe, Rosemary

Garsten, Christina

Hui, Alexandra

Koksvik, Gitte

Larsen, Tord

Olwig, Kenneth

Poovey, Mary

Porter, Ted M.

Ram, Kalpana

Rapport, Nigel J.

Røyrvik, Emil André

Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth

Sørhaug, Hans Christian


Almklov, Petter G. (med Gro Ulset og Jens Røyrvik): Standardisering og måling i barnevernet. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

Almkov, Petter G., & Antonsen, S. (2014a). Making work invisible: New public management and operational work in critical infrastructure sectors, Public Administration, 92(2): 477-492.

Almklov, Petter G., Rosness, R., & Størkersen, K. (2014b). When safety science meets the practitioners: Does safety science contribute to marginalization of practical knowledge?, Safety science 67: 25-36.

Almklov, Petter with Jens Røyrvik (2014): Objektivering i barnevernet, Talk at VF NTNU, Trondehim

Almklov, Petter (2014): Standardization, Accountability and Information Infrastuctures, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Almklov, Petter with Røyrvik (2013): Objectification, Measurement and Standardization in Children's Welfare Services in Norway, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Trondheim

Almklov, Petter: Implications of the Production Discourse of Work in the New Public Management, Talk at the seminar on Objectification, Measurement and Standardization, Trondheim

Almklov, Petter with Jens Olgard Dalseth Røyrvik: Entifisering og kvantifisering i barnevernet. Teknologi og kontroll på veien mot det gigantiske, Talk at Norsk Antropologisk Årskonferanse

Almklov, Petter: My take in the cultural logic of fact and figures, Talk at the seminar on Objectification, Measurement and Standardization, Trondheim

Blim, Michael, & Goffi, G. (2014). The long and the short of it: The value of the concept of the longue duree in the analysis of contemporary economic development and decline, Economia Marche-Journal of Applied Economics, 33(1).

Blim, Michael (2012) "Revolution from Above and the Rise of the United States Ruling Class", In James Carrier (Ed.) Anthropology After the Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn.

Blim, Michael (2014): Measuring Well-Being, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Blim, Michael (2013): Kinship Studies in the Age of Statistics, Talk at the CUFF Concerence, Trondheim

Briggs, Charles (in press) Reclaiming the Communicative Commons in Health. River of Fire: Commons, Crisis and the Imagination. Cal Winslow (ed). Mendocino CA: The Mendocino Institute.

Briggs, Charles (in press) Creatividad y fronteras disciplinarias en el trabajo de Jaime Breihl. Medicina Ecuatioriana en el Siglo XXI. Arturo Campana (ed). Quito: Academia Ecuagtoriana de Medicina.

Briggs, Charles (1/40/2016) Language and the Communicability of received Wisdoms: An ingterview with Danial Silva. frevista da (pp 192-203).

Briggs, Charles, Daniel Hallin (2016) Making Health Public: How News Coverage is remaking. London: Routledge.

Briggs, Charles, Mark Nichter (in press) Ethnomedicine. International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Hilary Callan (ed). London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Briggs, Charles (2016, in press). Tell Me Why My Children Died: Rabies, Indigenous Knowledge and Communicative Justice. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (with Clara Mantini-Briggs, to be published in April-May 2016)

Briggs, Charles (2015, in press). Una efermedad monstruo: Indígenas derribando el cerco de la discriminación en salud (A Monster Disease: Indigenous Peoples Breaking Down the Wall of Health-Based Discrimination). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Lugar Editorial. (by Charles L. Briggs, Norbelys Gómez, Tirso Gómez, Clara Mantini-Briggs, Conrado Moraleda Izco, and Enrique Moraleda Izco; to be published in October 2015).

Briggs, Charles (2015a) "Discourse, Anthropology of." In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, second edition. James Wright, ed. Vol 6, pp. 503-509. Oxford: Elsevier.

Briggs, Charles (2015b). Transcending the Medical/Media Opposition in Research on News Coverage of Health and Medicine. Media, Culture & Society 37(1):85-100 (with Daniel C. Hallin).

Briggs, Charles (2014). Dear Dr. Freud. Cultural Anthropology 29(2):312-343.

Briggs, Charles (2013a) Contested Mobilities: On the Politics and Ethnopoetics of Circulation. Journal of Folklore Research 50(1-3):285-299. Reprinted in The Legacy of Dell Hymes: Ethnopoetics, Narrative Inequality, and Voice, Paul V. Kroskrity and Anthony K. Webster,(Eds.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Briggs, Charles (2013c) "The Biocommunicable State: Dengue, Media, and Indiscipline in La Habana". In Health Travels: Cuban Health(care) on and off the Island, Nancy J. Burke, (Ed.) pp. 23-53. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Briggs, Charles, Daniel C Hallin and Marisa Brandt (2013) Biomedicalization and the Public Sphere: Newspaper Coverage of Health and Medicine, 1960s- 2000s. Social Science and Medicine 96:121-12.

Briggs, Charles (2014) Finding the Buzz, Controlling the Boundaries, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Briggs, Charles (2013a) "(Im)mobilizing Scientific Registers, or, What do Epidemiology, Laments, Personal Narratives, Photographs and Dead Bodies have to do with One Another". Talk at the University of Helsinki.

Briggs, Charles (2013b) "A Counter Politics of Narrative and Violence: Infanticide and the Limits of the Human". Talk at the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, 2013.

Briggs, Charles (2013c) Biomediatizations: Constructing "the Media", "Making Pandemics", Talk at the University of Helsinki

Briggs, Charles (2013d) Diseases of Diversity: Making and Erasing Difference in News Coverage of Health, Talk at University of Göttingen

Briggs, Charles (2013e) Infanticide, Narratives and the Limits of the Human, Talk at the University of Göttingen

Briggs, Charles (2013f) Making Epidemiology (Im)mobile, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Trondheim

Briggs, Charles (2013g) On Media and Diseases of Diversity: Making Difference in US News Coverage of Health, Talk at Meertens Institute, Amsterdam

Briggs, Charles (2013h) Tell me Why my Children Died! Notes on Mobility and Indexicality in the Ciculation of Indigenous Health Knowledge, Talk at the European Association of Social Anthropoligists

Briggs, Charles(2013i) Psychoanalysis, the Poetics of Lament and the Politics of Circulation in a Mysterious Epidemic, Talk at the University of Göttingen

Briggs, Charles Communicability, Disease and Structural Violence: Indigenous Responses to the Mediatization of Stigma in Venezuela, Talk at Finnmark University College, Alta

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo (med Tanja Plasil) (2017): Autentisitet og standardisering av folk og mat. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo (2014) Bottos, L. C. (2013). Orden Textual y Orden Social: Lectoescritura y Apocalipsis entre los Menonitas de la Vieja Colonia. PUBLICAR - En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales, 11 (14): 71-92

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo (2013a) "Briti moodsa sotsiaalantropoloogia sünd" In Funktsioon ja Struktuur Briti Koolkonnas. Lorenzo Canas Bottos (Ed.) Tallinn: Tallinn University Press

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo (2013b) "Marrying the Brother’s Wife’s Sister: An Analysis of Marriage Patterns among Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina." Journal of Mennonite Studies no. 31:75-86.

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo: Antropologica de la religion de Buanos Aires a casi el Polo Norte, Talk at FLACSO, Buenos Aires

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo: Finding Mobile Subjects: Levantines in Argentina, Talk at NTNU, Trondheim

Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo: Thinking the Field, Thinking Anthropology, Talk at NTNU, Trondheim

Coombe, Rosemary (2017) Cultural Property's Futures and frontiers in the Global South. Cultural Property: A Reader. H. Geismar, J. Anderson (eds). London: Routledge. 

Coombe, Rosemary (forthcoming) The Knowledge economy and its Cultures: Neoliberalism and Latin American Reterritorializations. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory.

Coombe, Rosemary, Daniel Huizenga (2017) Aboriginal Community research: Government and Neoliberal Self-Determination. Re-making Normal: Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times. Deborah Brock (ed). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Coombe, Rosemary, Lindsay Weiss (2015) Neoliberalism, Heritage regimes and Cultural Rights: Politics in Assemblage. Global Heritage: A Reader (pp 43-69). Lynn Meskell (ed). Wiley-Blackwell.

Coombe, Rosemary (2015) Foreword: Diversifying Intellectual Property. Diversity in Intellectual Property - Identities, Interests and Intersections (pp xvii-xix). I. Calboli, S. Ragavan (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Coobe, Rosemary (2014) "Marks Indicating Conditions of Origin in Rights-Based Sustainable Development" (With Nicole Aylwin).” University of California, Davis Law Review 47: 75-786.

Coombe, Rosemary and Aylwin, Nicole (2013) "Marks Indicating Conditions of Production in Frights-based Sustainable Development", In Human Rights, Development and  Restorative Justice: An Osgoode Reader, Per Zumbansen & Ruth Buchanan (eds.) Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Coombe, Rosemary  (2014a): Archives and Indicators: Cultural Objectification, Objections and Objectives, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik.

Coombe, Rosemary  (2014b): The Commodity as Standardized Form? Culture and its Differences, Talk at Boston, Law and Society Annual Meeting.

Coombe, Rosemary  (2013a): Marks Indicating Indigenous Means of Production? Indigenous Peoples, Cultural Commodification, and Self-Determination, Talk at the University of British Colombia

Coombe, Rosemary  (2013b): Minding Your Difference: Heritage, Politics and Governmentality, Talk at the University of Victoria

Coombe, Rosemary  (2013c): Working the Potato: Repatriating and Respatialising Nature's Body, Talk at Birbek College, London

Coombe, Rosemary (2013d): Making Culture Legible: Indicators and Archives as Heritage Technologies, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Trondheim

Coombe, Rosemary: Marks Indication Indigenous Means of Producation, Talk at the University of British Columbia

Coombe, Rosemary: Minding Your Difference: Heritage Politics and Governmentality, Talk at the University of Victoria

Coombe, Rosemary: Standardizing Diversity: Neoliberal Technologies for Mapping, Marking and Marketing Cultural Difference, Talk at Stanford University

Garsten, Christina (2015) Makeshift Work in a Changing Labour Market: The Swedish Model in the Post- Financial Crisis Era. Bastingstoke: Edward Elgar.

Garsten, Christina (2014) The Changing Global Labour Market: The Swedish Model in the Post-Financial Crisis Era. Bastingstoke: Edward Elgar.

Garsten, Christina (2014a) Arbetslivets globala normer. In Det globaliserade arbetslivet, Erik Amnå, ed. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Garsten, Christina (2014b) Tinkering with Knowledge. Representational Practices and Scaling in US Think Tanks, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Garsten, Christina and Anette Nyqvist, eds. (2013) Organisational Anthropology: Doing Ethnography In and Among Complex Organisations. London: Pluto Press.

Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson (2013). Sorting people in and out: The plasticity of the categories of employability, work capacity and disability as technologies of government. Ephemera, 13(4): 825-850.

Garsten, Christina, Peter Fleming and John Roberts (2013) In search of corporate social responsibility: Introduction to special issue. Organization, 20(3): 337-348. Guest editing of the special issue.

Hui, Alexandra (2017) The Naturalization of Timbre: Two Case Studies. Oxford Handbook of Timbre. Emily Dolan and Alexander Rehding (Eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hui, Alexandra (forthcoming) The Naturalization of Built Environments: Two Case Studies. Ecomusicology Review.

Hui, Alexandra (2016) First Re-Creations: Phonographs and New Cultures of Listening at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. The Handbook of Music Listening in the 19th and the 20th Centuries. Christian Thoreau and Hansjakob Ziemer (Eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Hui, Alexandra (2015) Making Birdsong Placeless, 1885-1935. Science as culture.

Hui, Alexandra, Aaron Allen and Kevin Dawes, eds., (2015) Aural Rights and Early Environmental Ethics: Negotiating the Post-War Soundscape. Current Directions in Ecomusicology: A Field Guide. London: Routledge.

Hui, Alexandra (2013a) “Changeable Ears: Ernst Mach’s and Max Planck’s studies of accommodation in hearing," in Alexandra Hui, Julia Kursell, and Myles Jackson, eds., Music, Sound, and the Laboratory during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Osiris, 28:119-145.

Hui, Alexandra (2013b) Sound Objects and Sound Products: Standardizing a New Culture of Listening in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4(4), 599-616.

Hui, Alexandra  (2012) The Psychophysical Ear: Musical Experiments, Experimental Sounds, 1840-1910. Cambridge: MIT Press

Koksvik, Gitte (2017) Verdighet i praksis. Objektivering og subjektivering på intensivavdelingen. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.

Koksvik, Gitte (avhandling 2016) Blurry Lines and Spaces of Tension, Clinical-Ethical and existential Issues in Intensive Care: A Study of Three European Intensive Care Units. Blurry Lines and Spaces of Tension. Clinical-ethical and existential issues in Intensive Care: A Study of m three European Intensive Care Units. Trondheim.

Koksvik, Gitte: Silent subjects, loud diseases: Enactment of personhood in intensive care. Health.

Koksvik, Gitte: Dignity in Practice: Day-to-Day Life in Intensive Care Units in Western Europe. Medical anthropology.

Koksvik, Gitte (2014a) A Voice for the Inexpressive Patient. Enactment of Personhood in the Intensive Care Unit, Talk, Paris

Koksvik, Gitte (2014b) Don't mind me. I am just here to observe”. Moral-Ethical Quandaries of Observation in the Hospital Clinic, Talk at the CUFF conference, Reykjavik.

Koksvik, Gitte (2013) Human and Machine. A Phenomenological Approach to Human Existence in an Intensive Care Unit, Talk at the CUFF Conference, NTNU, Trondheim

Larsen, Tord, Emil Røyrvik (red): Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis, Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

Larsen, Tord (2017) Når virkeligheten flytter på seg. Instrumentalitet, estetikk og livsverden i vår tid. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.

Larsen, Tord (Under review 2015) The Ethics and Politics of Objectification, Measurement and Standardization. Theory, Culture and Society.

Laren, Tord (2013). Introduction:" Objectification, Measurement and Standardization". Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4(4), 579-583.

Larsen, Tord (2014): Classifications on Trial: Preliminary Reflections on the Breivik Case and Its Contextualizations, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Larsen, Tord (2013a): Et riss av prosjektet "The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures" (Cuff), Talk at Norsk antropologsk forenings årskonferanse, Tromsø

Larsen, Tord (2013b): Om "oppmålingen av verden", Talk at Seminaret for kultur, litteratur og filosofi, Sommer i Melbu, Melbu

Larsen, Tord (2013c): Relocation the Real: Strategies of Objectification and Aestheticization, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Trondheim

Larsen, Tord (2013d): The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures, Talk at the University of Bielefeld

Larsen, Tord: Objektdannelse, måling og standardisering, Talk at Studio Apertura NTNU, Trondheim

Larsen, Tord: Entification and the Triumph of Intrumental Reason, Talk at Zeppelin University

Olwig, Kenneth (2017) Kan Nils Holgersson ha inspirert en "diabolsk" nazi-ideologi?. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.

Olwig, Kenneth (forthcoming) Geese, Elves and the Duplicitous: Diabolical Landscaped Space of reactionary modernism: the case of Holgersson, Hägerstrand and Lorenz. GeoHumanities. 

Olwig, Kenneth (8/41/2016) Mainstreaming landscape through the European landscape Conventio. Landscape research (pp 981-982)

Olwig, Kenneth (2016) Book review: What is landscape. Landscape research.

Olwig, Kenneth (2/41/2016) Virtual Enclosure, Ecosystem Services, Landscape's Character and "Rewilding" of the Commons: The Lake District Case. Landscape research (pp 253-264).

Olwing, Kenneth (2/41/2016) Introduction to a special issue: the future of landscape characterization, and the future character of landscape - between space, time, history, place and nature. Landscape research (169-174). 

Olwig, Kenneth (8/40/2015) European Wood-Pastures in Transition: A Socio-ecological Approach. Landscape research (pp 1016-1017).

Olwig, Kenneth (5/69/2015) Natiohnalist heritage, sublime affect and the anomalous Icelandic landscape concept. Norsk geografisk tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography (pp 277-287).

Olwig, Kenneth (13/2015) Landscape. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Siences (pp224-230). J.D. Wright (ed). Oxford: Oxford-Elsevier.

Olwig, Kenneth Anna l. Tsing, Donna Haraway, Noboru Ishikawa, Scott Gilbert & Nils Bubandt (In Press) Anthropologists are Talking, about the Anthropocene. Olwing, K. R., Anna l. Tsing, Donna Haraway, Noboru Ishikawa, Scott Gilbert & Nils Bubandt (Eds). Ethnos.

Olwig, Kenneth (69/2015) Nationalist heritage, sublime affect and the anomalous Icelandic landscape concept. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Norwegian Journal of Geography. ISSN 0029-1951. 

Olwig, Kenneth (Forthcoming) Landscape's Character, Virtual Enclosure and the "Rewilding" of the Common Substantive Landscape: The "Lake District" Case. Landscape Research.

Olwing, Kenneth (2015) Epilogue to Landscape as Mediator. The Non-Modern Commons Landscape and Modernism's Enclosed Landscape of Property. Landscape as Mediator, Landscape as Commons: International Perspectives on Landscape Research (pp 197-214) Castiglioni, Benedetta, Fabio Parascandolo, Marcello Tanca (Eds). Padova: Cleup.

Olwig, Kenneth (6/2014) "Used" Landscape's Cultural Heritage Contra "Virgin" National Nature. Revue d'ethnoécologie (pp 2-12).

Olwig, Kenneth (2014) Det begagnade regionala landskapets kulturarv kontra den "jungfrulig" nationell natur. Begagnade landskap använt, vårdat och värderat (pp 13-26). A. Wästfelt (Ed). Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet.

Olwig, Kenneth (2015) Heritage as (common(s), Commons as heritage. Things we have in Commons in the Political Landscape of Heritage. HACCAH: Heritage as Common(s), Common(s) as Heritage (pp 89-115). H. Benesch and I. H. Feras Gammami, Evren Uzer (Eds). Gothenburg: Makadam.

Olwig, Kenneth (Forthcoming) "Constructing Iceland's "Natural" Normalized National Idea of Landscape in Word, Deed and Affect". Norwegian Journal of Geography.

Olwig, Kenneth (Forthcoming) "Landscape Characterization and the Re-Wilding, De-Wilding and Spatial Enclosure of Landscape Commons." Landscape Research.

Olwig, Kenneth (In press) "The Thing About Landscape's Nature: Is it a Creature/Monster of the Map?" In Mapping Across Academia. New York: Springer.

Olwig, Kenneth (2013a) "Heidegger, Latour and the reification of things the inversion and spatial enclosure of the substantive landscape of things : the Lake District case". Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography. 95: 251-273.

Olwig, Kenneth (2013b) “Globalism and the Enclosure of the Landscape Commons.” In Cultural Severance and the Environment - The Ending of Traditional and Customary Practice on Commons and Landscapes Managed in Common. M. Agnoletti, Ian D. Rotherham (Ed.). Dordrecht: Springer.

Olwig, Kenneth & Helldin J.O. 2013. Den europeiska landskapskonventionen: en dörr till nya sätt att planera och tolka ett kulturellt och naturligt varierat regionalt landskapsarv? [The European Landscape Convention: a door to planning and interpreting a culturally and naturally diverse regional landscape heritage?] Pages 31- 38 in: Holmström M. (ed.) Mångvetenskapliga möten för ett breddat kulturmiljöarbete. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm. (In Swedish, with English summary.)

Olwig, Kenneth (2013) Eat the Landscape: The Traditional Heritage of Modern Foodscapes vs. the Common Heritage of their Non-modern Antithesis, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Trondheim

Olwig, Kenneth: Nature's Economy, Spatial Enclosure and Ecosystem Services, Talk at PECSRL Conference, Gøteborg

Poovey, Mary, Kevin Brine (2017) Finance in America: an unfinished story. Finance in America: an unfinished story. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Poovey, Mary and Kevin Brine (Forthcoming) The Modern Way of Knowing: Studies in the History of Financial Modeling. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Poovey, Mary (2016, forthcoming) "The Modernist Trajectory of Economics", In Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism Catherine Delyfer et al.(eds.) Oxford: Routledge

Poovey, Mary, Kevin Brine (2017) Finance in America: an unfinished story. Finance in America: an unfinished story. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Poovey, Mary (2015) Night-thoughts on Speculation. Speculation Now: Essays and Artwork. Vyjayanthi
Venuturupalli Rao, Prem Krishnamurthy and Carin Kuoni (Eds). Durham: Duke University Press.

Poovey, Mary (2015) The Problem of Empire: Adam Smith Tries to Draw a Line. Representation, Heterodoxy, and Aesthetics: Essays in Honor of Ronald Paulson. Ashley Marshall (Ed). Lanham: University of Delaware Press.

Poovey, Mary (2015) "Understanding Global Interconnectedness: Catastrophic Generic Change" In The Material of World History, Tina Mai Chen and David S. Churchill (Eds.) New York: Routledge, 150-165.

Poovey, Mary (2013a) "Demonizing Debt, Naturalizing Finance." In Debt: Ethics, the Environment, and the Economy, Peter Y. Paik and Merry Wiesner-Hanks (Eds.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Poovey, Mary (2013b). The Search for Habit in Classical Liberalism. Body & Society, 19(2-3), 263-274.

Poovey, Mary and Kevin R. Brine (2013) “From Measuring Desire to Quantifying Expectations: A Late Nineteenth-Century Effort to Marry Economic Theory and Data,” in ‘Raw Data’ Is an Oxymoron. Lisa Gitelman (Ed.) Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 61–75.

Poovey, Mary and Kevin Brine (2014): Modeling the Microfoundations of Finance, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Poovey, Mary and Kevin Brine: Calculating the Nation: The Modern Roots of National Accounts in the US, Talk at NTNU, Trondheim

Poovey, Mary: Between Surface and Depth, Talk at the Madlit Conference at the University of Wisconsin

Poovey, Mary: Mediating Markets, Talk at the University of Edinburgh Business School

Poovey, Mary: Nineteenth-Century Numbers Three Ways, Talk at the British Association for Victorian Studies

Poovey, Mary: The Modern Way of Knowing, Talk at Futurepol Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris

Porter, Ted. M (In press) "Asylums of Hereditary research in the Efficient Modern State", In Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, Staffan Müller-Wille and Christina Brandt (Eds.) Cambridge: MIT Press.

Porter, Ted (2017) The unknown History of Human Heredity. Princeton University Press.

Porter, Ted (107/2016) Charles Coulson Gillispie 1918-2015. Isis (pp 121-126).

Porter, Ted (2016) Introduction to the New Paperback Edition Charles Coulston Gillespie. The Edge of Objectivity (pp xxvi-xxxiv). Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Porter, Ted (2016) Asylums of research in the Efficient Modern State. Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science (pp 81-109). S. Müller-Wille, Christina Brandt (eds). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Porter, Ted (2016) Postscript. Balancing Accounts: Commemoration and Sommensuration. Taking Stock (pp 219-230). M. Kravel-Tovi; D. Dash-Moore (eds). Indiana University Press.

Porter, Ted (2016) Depending on Numbers. Reproducibility: Principles, Problems and Practices. H. Atmanspacher, S. Maasen (eds). New York: Wiley.

Porter, Ted. M (2015) "The Flight of the Indicator", In The World of Indicators: The Making of Governmental Knowledge through Quantification, Rottenburg, R., Merry, S. E., Park, S. J., & Mugler, J. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.

Porter, Ted (2/3/2014) Révolutions en statistique. Statistique et société (pp 25-27).

Porter, Ted (44/2014) In Whose Name? Eugenicists and Geneticists. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp 209-213).

Porter, Ted (2014) The Fate of Scientific Naturalism: From Public Sphere to Professional Exclusivity. Victorian Scientific Naturalism: Community, Identity, Continuity (pp 265-287). Bernard Lightman and Gowan Dawson (Eds). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Porter, Ted. M. (2014). The curious case of blending inheritance. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, 125-132.

Porter, Ted (2013a) "The Construction of Statistics as Science and as Tool of the Sciences", In Il percorso storico della statistica nell'Italia Unita, pp. 15-23.

Porter, Ted (2013b) "Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life" (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995; paperback 1996); Japanese translation by Yuko Fujigaki, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo.

Porter, T. M. (2012a). “Thin Description: Surface and Depth in Science and Science Studies,”In Clio Meets Science: The Challenge of History, Robert Kohler and Kathryn Olesko, (Eds). Osiris, 27, 209-226.

Porter, Ted (2012b) "Foreword: Positioning Social Science in Cold War America", In Cold War social science: Knowledge production, liberal democracy, and human nature. Solovey, M., & Cravens, H. (Eds.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Porter, Ted (2012c) "Funny Numbers", In Culture Unbound, 4, pp. 585-598.

Porter, Ted. M. (2012d) "Quantity and Polity: Asylum Statistics and the Drive for Medical Evidence", In A Master of Science History: Essays in Honor of C harles Coulston Gillispie, Jed Z. Buchwald (Ed.), pp. 327-340. Dordrecht: Springer

Porter, Ted. M. (2014): Eugenics ca. 1859. Ludvig Dahl tracks the Hereditary Anlæg for Insanity in Norway, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Porter, Ted: Funny Numbers, Talk at the Forum for History of Science, Israeli Society

Porter, Ted: Tabular Unreason: The Origins of Eugenics in the Evidence-Based Asylum, Talk at the British Association for Victorian Studies

Porter, Ted: The Flight of the Indicator, Talk at Bielefeld, ZiF.

Porter, Ted: What the Historian Sees Looking at Statistics, Talk at CRESS, University of Sasketchewan

Porter, Ted. M: Competing Numbers, Talk at Como, Italia

Porter, Ted. M: Human Objects, Talk at Ruhr Universität

Porter, Ted. M: Keynote address, Talk at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Porter, Ted. M: Numbers and economic history, Talk at Humbold Universität, Berlin

Porter, Ted. M: States' Stakes in Science, Talk at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld

Porter, Ted. M: The Allure of Big Data, Talk at the 14th Social Study of Information Technology Conference, London

Porter, Ted. M: The Practice of Making Practice, Talk at the University of Luxembourg

Porter, Ted. M: Theorizing Numbers, Talk at the American Sociological Association

Porter, Ted. M.: Alain Desrosieres et l'argument statistique, Talk at Paris Workshop

Porter, Ted. M.: Asylums and the Data of Human Heredity, Talk at NTNU, Trondheim

Ram, Kalpana, and Christopher Houston (2015) Phenomenology in anthropology: a sense of perspective. Bloomington, Ind: Indiana Univ. Press.

Ram, Kalpana (1/38/2015) The Silences in Dominant Discourses? South Asia. Journal of South Asian Studies.

Ram, Kalpana: Sacred Genealogies of Development: Christianity and the Indian Modern.Paradoxes of Domesticity: Christian Missionaries and Women in Asia and the Pacific.Hyaeweol Choi and Margaret Jolly (Ed.). ANU Press.

Ram, Kalpana (2014a) "The Power of Performance and Human Agency: Re-assessing Feiminst Evaluations of Epic Women" In Voyages of body and soul : selected female icons of India and beyond, Ketu H Katrak and Anita Ratnam Raj (Ed.) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars

Ram, Kalpana (2014b) Fertile Disorder: Spirit Possession and Its Provocation of the Modern. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.

Ram, Kalpana (2014) The Friction between the Rationalised and Non-Rationalised Spheres of Experience: Performances of Elite and Non-Elite Practices in India, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik

Ram, Kalpana - Video lecture: Fertile Disorder: Spirit Possession and Its Provocation of the Modern. Talk at the Center of South Asia Studies at UC Berkley, May 1. 2013.

Rapport, Nigel (2016) Distortion and Love: An Anthropological Reading of the Art and Life of Stanley Spencer. London: Ashgate.

Rapport, Nigel (2016) Discomfiture in Tima; and the Future as Birthright. Ethnos.

Rapport, Nigel (2016) Fiction and Anthropological Understanding: A Cosmopolitcan Vision. The Anthropologist as Writer: Genres and contexts in the twenty-first century(pp 215-29). H. Wulff (ed). Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel: Knowledge Exchange and the creativity of relationships: A Dialogue. Knowledge and Ethics in
Anthropology: Obligations and Requirements (191-229). L. Josephides (ed). Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel: An Ethnography of Distortion and Love: The Life and art of Stanley Spencer. Under review. London.

Rapport, Nigel (56/2) Anthropology through Levinas: Knowing the uniqueness of ego and the mystery of otherness. Current Anthropology (pp 256-276).

Rapport, Nigel: Apprehending Anyone: The Non-Indexical, Post-Cultural and Cosmopolitan Human Actor. Colloquia Anthropologica: Issues in Contemporary Social Anthropology. M. Buchowski and A. Bentkowski (Eds). Poznan: WNI.

Rapport, Nigel (2015) Cosmopolitan body: The Holocaust as route to the globally Human. H. Hazan, A. Goldberg (eds). Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel (2015) Real Britons: Idiom and injunctions of belonging for a cosmopolitan society. Knowledge and Ethics in Anthropology: Obligations and requirements (171-88). L. Josephides (ed). London: Bloomsbury.

Rapport, Nigel (2015) Imagination is in thebarest reality?: On the universal humanvimagining of the world. Reflections on Imagination. N. Rapport and M. Harris (Eds). Farnham: Ashgate.

Rapport, Nigel: Philosophy in Anthropology. Research Companion to Anthropology. A. Strathern and P.
Stewart (eds). Farnham: Ashgate

Rapport, Nigel (2015) Extraordinary encounter? The interview as an ironical moment. Extraordinary Encounters: The Ethnographic Interview, Biography and Authentic Data. K. Smith, J. Staples and N. Rapport (Eds). Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel: Imagination is in the barest reality?: On the universal human imagining of the world. Reflections on Imagination. N. Rapport and M. Harris (Eds). Farnham: Ashgate.

Rapport, Nigel (2015) "Sociality and Uncertainty: Between avowing and disavowing concepts in Anthropology", In Thinking Through Sociality: An Anthropological Interrogation of Key Concepts, V. Amit (Ed.) Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Rapport, Nigel, Smith, K., & Staples, J. (Eds.). (2015). Extraordinary Encounters: Authenticity and the Interview (Vol. 28). Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel & Harris, Mark (2015) Reflections on Imagination: Human Capacity and Ethnographic Method. Farnham: Ashgate.

Rapport, Nigel (2014) Voice, History, and Vertigo: Doing Justice to the Dead through Imaginative Conversation. The Craft of Knowledge: Experiences of Living with Data. C. Smart, A. James and J. Hockey (Eds). London: Palgrave.

Rapport, Nigel J. (2014a)."The informant as anthropologist: Taking seriously ‘native’ individuals’ constructions of social identity and status", In Archivo Antropologico Mediterraneo. 15, 2, p. 103-112

Rapport, Nigel (2014b) The capacities of anyone: accommodating the universal human subject as value and in space", In We the Cosmopolitans : Moral and Existential Conditions of Being Human, Josephides, L. & Hall, A. (eds.).Oxford: Berghahn Books, p. 48-67.

Rapport, Nigel (2013a) "Afterword: A Migrant or Circuitous Sensibility", In Being human, being migrant: senses of self and well-being, A.S.Gronseth (Ed.) vol. 23. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Rapport, Nigel (2013b). "A Quantum Anthropology of Contemporary Moments of Being: Seven Observations", In Social Analysis, 57(2), 117-128.

Rapport, Nigel (2013c). Israel/anthropology: ‘Screaming assembly’. Anthropology Today, 29(2), 25-28.

Rapport, Nigel (2013d). Opportunity, cliché and cosmopolitan politesse: a commentary on Feldman. Social Anthropology, 21(2), 157-163.

Rapport, Nigel (2013e). Sovereign Individuals and the Ontology of Selfhood" In Up close and personal: on peripheral perspectives and the production of anthropological knowledge, Cris Shore and Susanna Trnka (eds), vol. 25. Oxford: Berghahn.

Rapport, Nigel. J. (2012). "Towards moral and authentic generalization: humanity, individual human beings and distortion", In Culture Unbound,vol.4 ,36 ,pp. 661-678.

Rapport, Nigel: The Hands of Stanley Spencer: A Study in Distortion, Talk at NTNU, Trondheim

Røyrvik, Emil André, Tord Larsen (red): Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis, Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

Røyrvik, Emil André (2017) Sosialitet i målstyringens tid. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

Røyrvik, Emil André, Aspen, H., Ravn, M. N. (2015). Det Skapende Mennesket. Antropologiske Dialoger om Tegn, Ting og Tolkning. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press (s. 11-24).

Røyrvik, Emil André m.fl. (4/31/2015) Brave New World? The Global Cinancial Crisis' Impact on Scandinavian Banking's Sales Rhetortic and Practices. Scandinavian Journal of Management (471-479).

Røyrvik, Emil André, Ulla Forseth, Stewart Clegg (31/2015) Brave New World? The global financial
crisis? impact on Scandinavian banking?s sales rhetoric and practices Scandinavian Journal of Management (471-479).    

Røyrvik, Emil André, Marianne Blom Brodersen (Forthcoming) The stable stranger. Constructing the European Roma within the Neoliberal Culture Complex. Romani Studies.

Røyrvik, Emil André (41/4/2014) Economy of Words. Communicative Imperatives in Central Banks. American Ethnologist (pp 800-801).

Røyrvik, Emil André (2013a). "Oblique Ethnography: Engaging collaborative complicity among globalised corporate managers". Organisational Anthropology. Doing Ethnography in and among Complex Organisations. (s. 72-88). Pluto Press.

Røyrvik, Emil André (2013b). "Incarnation Inc. Managing Corporate Values.". Journal of business anthropology 2, 1, 9-32.

Røyrvik, Emil André og Marianne Blom Brodersen (4/2012) Real Virtuality: Power and Simulation in the Age of Neoliberal Crisis. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research (pp 637-659).

Røyrvik, Emil André: Eurovegas: Konseptuell kloning i kasinokapitalismens tid, Talk at Norsk Antropologisk Forenings Årskonferanse, Tromsø

Røyrvik, Emil André. Eurovegas and commensuration of value/s, Talk at Standardisation workshop, NTNU Samfunnsforskning

Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth and Petter Almklov (2012) Towards the gigantic - Entification and standardization as technologies of control. In: Culture Unbound, Journal of Current Cultural Research. 2012:5 ISSN: 2000-1525. Linköping.

Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth, Petter Almklov, Gro Ulset and Åse Bratterud: Entifisering/retifisering, standardisering og måling som samfunnstendens: Barnevernet som eksempel, Talk at Vitenskapsteoretisk forum, Trondheim

Røyrvik, Jens: Standardisering, objektifisering og måling i barnevernet, Guest Lecture at Høgskolen i Sør Trøndelag

Sørhaug, Hans Christian (2017) Som bare bevissthet kan få til. Penger, usikkerhet og spekulasjon. Trangen til å telle. Objektivering, måling og standardisering som samfunnspraksis. Tord Larsen, Emil Røyrvik (red). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017. 

Sørhaug, Hans Christian (2016) Gull, arbeid og galskap. Penger og objekttrøbbel. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget (ISBN 978-82-450-1896-7).

Sørhaug, Hans Christian (2016, in press) Gull, penger og informasjon: Penger og objekttrøbbel. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget

Sørhaug, Hans Christian (2014) The Value of Values. Fetishization of Relations, Talk at the CUFF Conference, Reykjavik


Almklov, Petter (2008): Standardized data and Singular Situations, Social Studies of Science, vol 38 no 6 pp 873-897.

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Network members

Network members