Risk Indicators - ROSS
Risk Indicators
Risk Indicators
In the offshore oil and gas sector, comprehensive quantitative risk analyses (QRAs) are carried out at regular intervals - usually every five years. The main objective of this research activity is to identify measurable risk indicators that may be used to monitor the risk level during operation. To meet this objective, we need a detailed understanding of all types of causal factors, and a model describing the relationship between causal factors and the potential accidents, e.g., by influence diagrams and Bayesian Belief Networks. By using this approach, one should, in the future, be able to monitor the risk level related to selected types of activities and to give warnings and recommendations when the risk increases. The approach may be considered as a "risk-based safety management tool with its fundament in technical, organisational and human risk indicators".
- Senior Scientist Knut Øien, SINTEF Safety Research