Norwegian Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

Hosts and partnerships at NTNU

Norwegian Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

Norwegian Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

FME logo

The Research Council of Norway provides long-term funding for research on renewable energy, energy efficiency, CCS and social science aspects of energy research, and that has potential for innovation and value creation. The FME scheme, advertisements, and current and former centres.

8 new FMEs

8 new FMEs

8 new Centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research will receive from NOK 120 to 180 million (in Norwegian) over eight years to solve key challenges in the energy and climate area and strengthen the innovative capacity of Norwegian business. The centers that have received funding work with solar energy, batteries and carbon capture and storage, among other things.

NTNU will host 3 of the new centers, and will be partner in 5 of the new centres.

The Research Council of Norway, 11 april 2024

NTNU hosts FME

NTNU hosts 6 FMEs

FME Battery – Next-generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain (2024-2032).

FME HydroCen – Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology develops research and education in hydropower technology (2026-2024).

FME Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies studies the role of the energy system in the transition to the zero-emission society (2019-2027).

FME NTRANS – Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies investigates environmentally friendly energy from a social science perspective (2019-2017).

FME RenewHydro – Norwegian research centre for renewal of hydropower technology (2024-2032).

FME ZeMe – Zero Emission Metal Production works with increased utilization of energy flows and carbon neutrality in metal production (2024-2032).

FME ZEN – Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities develops solutions for future buildings and areas (2016-2024).

NTNU is partner in FME

NTNU is partner in 13 FMEs

FME Bio4fuels – Norwegian Centre for sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy develops technology to convert biomass to energy, NMBU – Norwegian University of Life Sciences hosts the Centre (2017-2025).

FME CINELDI – Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution develops electricity grid and electrical distribution grid at an acceptable cost, SINTEF Energy Research hosts the Centre (2016-2024).

FME GigaCCS – Norwegian Research Centre of Excellence for Carbon Capture and Storage, SINTEF Energy hosts the Centre (2024-2032).

FME HighEFF – Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future works to ensure that Norway has the world’s greenest industries, SINTEF Energy Research hosts the Centre (2016-2024).

FME HYDROGENi will spearhead research and innovations needed to fulfil the 2030 and 2050 visions of the Norwegian hydrogen roadmap, SINTEF Energiy hosts the Centre (2022-2030).

FME InterPlay – Integrated Hub for Energy System Analyses, SINTEF Energy host the Centre (2024-2032).

FME MarTrans – Norwegian R&D centre for Maritime Energy Transitions, SINTEF Ocean hosts the Centre (2024-2032).

FME MoZEES – Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems works on battery and hydrogen value chains and systems. IFE Institute for Energy Technology hosts the Centre (2017-2024).

FME NCCS – The Norwegian CCS Research Centre will ensure that Norway remains an international leader in CCS, SINTEF Energy hosts the Centre (2016-2024).

FME NorthWind – Norwegian Research Centre on Wind creates wind power export opportunities for business and industry, SINTEF Energy hosts the centre (2021-2029).

FME Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology works with solar energy, IFE Institute for Energy Technology hosts the Centre, (2017-2025).

FME SecureEL – Secure, resilient, and sustainable electricity distribution grids, SINTEF Energy hosts the Centre (2024-2032).

FME SOLAR IFE Institute for Energy Technology hosts the Centre, (2024-2032).

Former FME

Former FME

NTNU has hosted 6 FMEs

FME CenSES – Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies (2011-2019)

FME Centre for Sustainable Energy Strategies (2008)

FME Documentation of effects from energy research with a focus on hydropower (2018)

FME Effects of research at The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB) and The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) (2018)

FME Hydropower (2015)

FME ZEB – The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings (2009-2017)

NTNU has been partner in 6 FMEs

FME BIGCCS Centre – International CCS Research Centre (2009-2017)

FME CEDREN – Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy (2009-2017)

FME CenBIO – Bioenergy Innovation Centre (2009-2017)

FME NOWITECH – Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (2009-2017)

FME Solar United – The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology (2009-2017)

FME ZEB – The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings (2009-2017)