Center for Quantum Spintronics (QuSpin)

NTNU and SFF logos SFF QuSpin, Center for Quantum Spintronics

Our vision is to trigger a revolution in low-power information and communication technologies in an energy-efficient society.

QuSpin´s objective is to develop the basic science that uses quantum entities such as the electron spin as information carriers in radically different ways. We aim at groundbreaking basic research that is crucial to the  development of fast, high-capacity, material systems and tools for smaller and more power-efficient electronic devices.

Annual Report 2024 (PDF)

Monthly QuSpin Cafes

Monthly QuSpin Cafes poster with photos and text

Monthly QuSpin Female Cafes

Monthly QuSpin Female Cafes

January 23 | February 20 | March 20 | April 24

All women who are interested in physics from bachelor to master level are welcome to our informal friendly cafes 2025.

In the male-dominated field of physics our Center of Excellence, QuSpin , Center of Quantum Spintronics, wants to make a difference. We have attracted women from all around the world.

Now we want to invite you to share your thoughts and ideas to better understand how we can attract even more women to our field of physics.

Our female researchers will tell you a bit about what we do at QuSpin and career opportunities as a physicist. Light snacks and drinks will be served.

Program, place and registration

QuSpin Objective and Goal

Objective and Goal

Illustration of a man and a formula

Our Energy Efficient Future

A motivation is the usage statistics behind Apple, Google, YouTube, Netflix, and data mining for Bitcoin, as a few examples of the staggering amounts of data transfer and storage capacity that is needed for these services. Followed by their continuously increasing energy consumption needs, new ways to handle this efficiently is a pressing matter.

Electronic spin counterclockwise. Illustration

The Electronic Spin

Quasi-particles can convey spin information with exceptional tiny energy losses, considering the dynamical evolution of the spin states for high-speed electronics. A supercurrent is a remarkable phenomenon where a current can flow in a supercurrent with no electrical resistance and no energy loss.

Four persons holding a glass plate. Photo

SFF QuSpin - Center of Excellence

The QuSpin center was in 2017 recognized as one of the ten new Centers of Excellence by the Research Council of Norway, 2017-2027. From left: Jacob Linder, Arne Brataas, Asle Sudbø and Justin Wells


Videos and Podcasts

QuSpin Balance Project 2021-2022

On how get more female researchers into top positions in Academia.
Long version

Collage with professor Asle Sudbø and presenter Kristoffer Schau

Curious about Quantum Physics for a better world with professor Asle Sudbø

Podcast in Apple Podcast (in Norwegian)
Podcast on Spotify (in Norwegian)

Featured Publications

Featured Publications 



A graph/model

Minimal Models and Transport Properties of Unconventional 𝑝-Wave Magnets

Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 236703
Published 3 December, 2024
Brekke, Bjørnulf; Sukhachov, Pavlo; Giil, Hans Gløckner; Brataas, Arne; Linder, Jacob.

New unconventional compensated magnets with a 𝑝-wave spin polarization protected by a composite time-reversal translation symmetry have been proposed in the wake of altermagnets...

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Illustration of publication graph

Colloquium: Spin-orbit effects in superconducting hybrid structures

Rev. Mod. Phys. 96, 021003
Published 28 May, 2024
Morten Amundsen, Jacob Linder, Jason W. A. Robinson, Igor Žutić, and Niladri Banerjee

Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) relates to the interaction between an electron’s motion and its spin and is ubiquitous in solid-state systems. Although the effect of SOC in normal-state phenomena has been extensively studied, its role in superconducting hybrid structures and devices elicits many unexplored questions.…

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Illustration of publication graph

Chirality-Driven Orbital Angular Momentum and Circular Dichroism in CoSi

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 196402
Published 10 May, 2024
S. S. Brinkman, Xin Liang Tan, B. Brekke, A. C. Mathisen, Ø. Finnseth, R. J. Schenk, K. Hagiwara, Meng-Jie Huang, J. Buck, M. Kalläne, M. Hoesch, K. Rossnagel, Kui-Hon Ou Yang, Minn-Tsong Lin, Guo-Jiun Shu, Ying-Jiun Chen, C. Tusche, and H. Bentmann.

Chiral crystals and molecules were recently predicted to form an intriguing platform for unconventional orbital physics…

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