What it is about

Project period: 2019-2025

What it is about

In PlatVel (Platforms for healthcare and welfare services in municipalities) we are interested in applying digital platform models to public services and enable innovation through new or improved service models based on the possibilities provided by digital platforms. The project has a sociotechnical approach to digital platforms. We study practices involved in platformization, and how these practices affect outcomes.

PlatVel is an innovation project with NTNU and the municipality of Trondheim as partners. PlatVel is about the implementation of digital platforms in the public sector. PlatVel will generate knowledge about how digital platforms can be implemented in municipality-based public services, and how they can support existing and new work processes. Platform models have been applied by large technology companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple. Their application to the public sector is not as mature and more research is needed to see how these digital platform models can support innovation and delivery of public services. "Municipality as platform" is a research field where there is little empirical research results available. There is a potential that this type of research can help us make better and more efficient public services. PlatVel aims to generate such data. PlatVel cooperates with large platform projects such as Helseplattformen.



PlatVel is a collaborative project with NTNU og Trondheim municipality.

  • Partners: NTNU, Trondheim municipality.
  • Period: 2019-2025.
  • Prosject coordinator: Babak Farshchian.
  • News: Follow Twitter hashtag #PlatVelNTNU.

Mehmood, H., & Farshchian, B. A. (2021). Back-Stage User Participation in Large-Scale IS Projects. Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.18420/IHC2021_004

Ringdal, N. O. (2021). Participatory Customization of Platforms in the Public Sector [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology]. https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2829214

Farshchian, B. A., Grisot, M., Hochwarter, S., Sigríður Islind, A., Mikalsen, M., Parmiggiani, E., & Vassilakopoulou, P. (2021). Platform-Supported Cooperative Work. https://doi.org/10.18420/ecscw2021_wsmc04

Øien, S. S. (2020). Defining Back Stage Activities in Large-Scale Participatory Design—A Case Study of Implementing a Healthcare Platform [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology]. https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2777941

​​​​​​​Salvesen, A. (2020). Utvikling av informasjonssystemer basert på generisk programvare: En casestudie om fagekspertordningen i Helseplattformen [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology]. https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2777936


The project is registered in Cristin.


  • Babak Farshchian (prosjektleder).
  • Yngve Dahl.
  • Eric Monteiro.
  • Hamid Mehmood.
  • Nora Othilie Ringdal.

Trondheim municipality

  • Mette Kvernmoen.
  • Ola Skorstad.
  • Klara Borgen.


  • Pernille Thingstad.


Keep updated!

You can keep updated by following the Twitter hashtag #PlatVelNTNU.

Please find the presentations from our last seminar here.