Summer School

Summer School


Annual Summer Schools in Medical Physics and Radiography in Ghana

  • Four editions (2016-2019) of Ghana Norway Summer School (GNSS @ Accra (2016 and 2017), Tamale (2018) and Kumasi (2019))
  • Comprises theoretical and practical sessions
  • About 197 students have so far benefitted from the GNSS
  • Participants from Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Tanzania, USA and Zimbabwe


Equipment donation

  • Donation of mobile X-ray unit to SNAS for training of students and interns.
  • Donation of X-ray QC Kit for student training and research studies




In English

Ghana-Norway collaboration in medical physics and radiography education, strengthened
(Ghana News Agency)

Summer school on Diagnostic Imaging opens (Ghana News Agency)

UDS hosts third edition of the Ghana-Norway Summer School (Ghadmissions)


In Norwegian

Fagreise til Accra (Hold Pusten)

Bomkjøp i Norge ga glede i Accra (Hold Pusten)

Til Ghana med mammo på agendaen (Hold Pusten)

Bygger kompetanse i Ghana (St. Olavs hospital)