Mass Spectrometry Lab - NV
Mass Spectrometry Lab at the NV Faculty
Mass Spectrometry Lab at the NV Faculty
The NV faculty together with departments of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Biology invested approximately 8 millions NOK in 2012-2013 to acquire two LC MS/MS instruments that form the core of an inter-departmental facility. These instruments are joining already existing equipment consisting of a GC-MS(SQ) with EI ionization and a LC-MS(SQ).
To this initial investment a new set of instruments have been installed in 2018, thanks to the contribution of the NV faculty and departments of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Biological Science in Ålesund (aproximatelly 5 million NOK). Among other things, this upgrade will permit to do analysis with in microflow range and to increase the capacity of the lab.
The main focus of this facility is to provide wide and versatile services to all different research activities pursued in the departments involved.
Possible applications for the instruments
LC-MS/MS with high-resolution power (Q-TOF)
Study and identification of known and unknown synthesized organic and biological molecules (metabolites, peptides, proteins and other natural products), xenobiotic compounds (organic environmental pollutants from the natural environment such as pesticides, fungicides and plastic). as well as for studies of reaction mixtures (mechanistic studies).
Two LC-MS/MS (Triple quadrupole)
The instruments can be used for quantification and identification of known biological and chemical molecules in complex extracts and mixtures.
The sum of all these instruments represents a multipurpose and efficient MS centre due to its adaptability. Versatility of the facility refers not only to Ionization modes (ESI, APCI, APPI, ASAP and EI), but also to diversity of separation technologies available like UPC2 (SCF chromatography), UPLC, microflow UPLC, GC and Ion Chromatography. Therefore, a large number of different chemical compounds can be separated and identified in this facility.
Since we are always interested in exploring new applications, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
Biology contact: Veerle Jaspers
Biotechnology contact: Kåre A Kristiansen
Chemistry contact: Susana Villa Gonzalez
When using this facility it is required to acknowledge the lab contribution in any publication that the obtained results might generate.
Susana Villa Gonzalez
Senior Engineer
Phone: +47 735 96 122
Mobile Phone: +47 994 34 793
Kåre Andre Kristiansen
Senior Engineer
Phone: +47 988 58 932