NTNU's strategy

Strategy 2026-2030

The path to a new strategy

About the process

Picture of a group of employees from a meeting at campus Ålesund.
From a meeting with Rector at campus Ålesund spring 2024. Photo: NTNU/Børge Sandnes

The strategy "Knowledge for a better world" has been an important guideline for the university since 2018. From 2026, that strategy will be replaced with a new strategy.

The new strategy will take effect from January 1, 2026, and will provide direction for NTNU's development up to 2030. During the strategy process, a main strategy for the university will be drafted, and the faculties and the science museum will also have strategies based on the same template.  

Why does NTNU need a strategy?

NTNU's activities are long term. At the same time, the world is changing rapidly, and so are the expectations of what we can contribute as an univeristy. It is in this world and in the coming decades that we will need prepare NTNU as a leading international educational and knowledge institution. 

Provide input to the strategy

Input sessions will be held, and the strategy will be discussed in many different forums at the university. As an employee or student, you will have several opportunities to give your advice and input.

You can also send your input to the secretariat:

Feedback form




NTNU's strategy 2018-2025

NTNU's strategy 2018-2025

What happens when?

What happens when?


  • January: Leadership meeting at Oppdal
  • March-June: Summary of initial discussions in the academic environments
  • September- October: Discussion of vision, values, social mission and focus areas


  • January: Leadership meeting in Oppdal.
  • February: First draft of faculty strategies.
  • March-June: First draft of university strategy.
  • Autumn semester: Adoption of new strategy

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

The new strategy will be approved by the current board before the summer 2025.

The main strategy provides overall goals, direction and priorities for the whole of NTNU, and the faculties' strategies concretize these within their respective areas. Together, these will make up NTNU's overall strategy

The strategy process will be an interactive process between the different levels. This means that a rough draft of faculty strategies must be available by February 1, 2025, which the main strategy also will be based on.




This has not yet been decided. Rector will consult the organization and consider what framework is given for strategies at department level.

That is something that needs to be decided. There are many indications that there will be a need for separate development plans for Gjøvik and Ålesund. Rector will also clarify this in dialoge with the organization.

A new strategy process means that we also need to look at the vision and values with new eyes and have a discussion about this. After the summer, rector will initiate discussions in the organization about vision, values and NTNU's special mission.


Everyone can contribute to the strategy process. We encourage academic environments, employees, students and partners to contribute to the work with input and views

There are many ways to contribute to the process. Primarily, you can contribute through the organizational pipeline and in various committee meetings where the strategy will be discussed on different occasions. Alternatively, you can contribute directly by providing written feedback on this form (the form is hosted by University in Oslo).



The Ministry of Education's letter that provides goals and direction for NTNU from the governmental level, and is valid until 2026 and will be incorporated in the new strategy.