Norwegian for Foreigners - Department of Language and Literature
Norwegian for Foreigners

NTNU offers the following Norwegian courses:
- Short course: Introductory course (A1/A2)
- Level 1: Beginners' course (A2/B1)
- Level 2: Intermediate course (B2/B1)
- Level 3: Advanced course (B2/C1)
- Level 4: Proficiency course (C1/C2)
- Trondheim: all levels both autumn and spring
- Ålesund: short course and level 1 (autumn), level 2 (spring), level 3 spanning 2 semesters (starting autumn)
- Gjøvik: short course, level 1, level 2 (autumn and spring), level 3 spanning 2 semesters (starting autumn)
You have to apply for admission before each semester.
Our courses
For: Beginners with an existing NTNU affiliation - employees, partners of employees, students, refugees
Learning outcome: A2/B1
Credits: 15
Previous knowledge requirement: None
Course description: Course description level 1
Location: Trondheim, Gjøvik, Ålesund (autumn)
Tuition: 2x3 hours per week, 13 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
Courses spring 2025
Dragvoll: NFUT0102, NFUT0103, NFUT0104
Gløshaugen: NFUT0121
Digital: NFUT0105
Gjøvik: NFUT0160
For: NTNU employees, partners of permanent employees, students, refugees, external applicants
Learning outcome: B1/B2
Credits: 15
Previous knowledge requirement: A2/B1 - Level 1 or equivalent at university level, Norwegian Test, writing/listening/reading B1, Placement test.
Course description: Course description level 2
Location: Trondheim, Gjøvik, Ålesund (spring)
Tuition: 2x3 hours per week, 13 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
Courses spring 2025
Dragvoll: NFUT0201, NFUT0202, NFUT0203, NFUT0207, NFUT0250 (flexible teaching and self-study)
Gløshaugen: NFUT0221
Digital: NFUT0205
Gjøvik: NFUT0260
Ålesund: NFUT0270
For: Employees, partners of permanent employees, students, refugees, other applicants
Learning outcome: B2/C1
Credits: 15
Previous knowledge requirement: Level 2 or equivalent at university level, Norwegian Test listening/reading/writing B2, Placement test.
Course description: Course description of level 3
Campus: Trondheim (For Ålesund and Gjøvik: see Level 3 spanning 2 semesters)
Tuition: 2x3 hours per week, 13 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
Courses spring 2025
Dragvoll: NFUT0301, NFUT0302
Gløshaugen: NFUT0321
Digital: NFUT0303
For: Employees, partners of employees, students, other applicants
Learning outcome: B2/C1
Credits: 15
Previous knowledge requirement: Level 2 or equivalent at university level, Norwegian Test listening/reading/writing B2, Placement test.
Course description: Course description of level 3 (The specifics of this new course will be published soon)
Location: Trondheim, Gjøvik (start in autumn), Ålesund (start in autumn), digital with exam in Trondheim, Ålesund or Gjøvik (limited number of spots)
Tuition: 1x3 hours per week, 13 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
The courses start in the autumn only
Dragvoll: NFUT0391
Gløshaugen: NFUT0390
Ålesund: NFUT0370
Gjøvik: NFUT0360
For: Employees, partners of permanent employees, students, refugees, other applicants
Learning outcome: C1/C2
Credits: 15
Previous knowledge requirement: Level 3 or equivalent course at university level, Norwegian higher level language test with 450 points or better or grade 'bestått'; Norskprøven with B2 in all parts, or Norwegian examination as a second language at Norwegian upper secondary school (grade 4 or better).
Course description: Course description level 4
Location: Trondheim
Tuition: 2x3 hours per week, 10 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
Course code: NFUT0401
For: Beginners with an existing NTNU affiliation - students, employees, partners of permanent employees
Learning outcome: A1/A2
Credits: 7,5
Previous knowledge requirement: None
Course description: Short course description
Location: Trondheim, Gjøvik, Ålesund (autumn)
Tuition: 1x3 hours per week, 10 weeks. 80% obligatory attendance.
Courses spring 2025
Dragvoll: NFUT0001, NFUT0002, NFUT0003, NFUT0004, NFUT0005, NFUT0006, NFUT0007, NFUT0008, NFUT0009
Digital: only for Ålesund and Gjøvik, NFUT0060
Applicants to levels 2 and 3 with no formal proof of competence, must take a placement test.
The test consists of a listening part, a grammar part and a written part (essay). There is no oral part.
The result of the test is valid for two semesters.
There are no examples of the placement test available, but to get an idea of the required levels, you can take a look at the practise exams on the Departments website.
NEXT PLACEMENT TEST: 11 June 2025, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM, in Trondheim, Ålesund and Gjøvik. Registration period: 1 May - 3 June.
All applicants are responsible for registering for the test themselves, within the registration period.
- Accept the offer
- Read NTNU's arrival checklist carefully.
- Register for a course in Studentweb. Each course has a limited number of spots. Spots are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. If a group is full, please choose another one. We do not hold off spots for individual applicants. It is not allowed to register for more than one course code at a time.
- Pay the semester fee within the deadline. You will not get access to Blackboard until this is done and registered. PhD-students also have to pay the semester fee for the Norwegian course.
- Register for the exam in Studentweb.
- Attend the first class. Students that fail to attend the first class, may loose their spot.
- General information about exams at NTNU
- Information about exams at Norwegian for foreigners (including practise exam papers)
- For information about exam arrangements and evaluation methods: Check the course description.
- Written exam date: check Studentweb, or the course description.
- Oral exam date: you will receive information from your teacher.
- Re-sit exam: send an e-mail to
Deadline: 1 September (autumn) and 15 January (spring).
Students have three exam attempts. Approval is valid for four semesters, including the course semester.
- Postponed exam: in case of exam collision or other NTNU-related obligations on the exam date, at the end of the examination period.
To apply: please send an e-mail to with documentation.
Deadline autumn: 15. November
Deadline spring: 15 April
- In case of acute illness: please apply for valid absence, and send an e-mail to to apply for the postponed exam.
In order to be granted a permanent residence permit, you must normally complete tuition in the Norwegian language and social studies and pass tests. Please check which rules apply to you on UDI’s website
Our Norwegian courses do not qualify for exemption from the social studies tuition for permanent residence permit applications. Please contact your municipality if you believe you qualify for an exemption.
Exemption from the social studies tuition can be granted for some applicants. Please check UDI’s website for details about the requirements in your specific situation.
Norwegian on the web: Norwegian Course for beginners. Level A2/B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Norwegian on the web 2: Norwegian level for intermediate learners. Level B1/B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
CALST: Practice Norwegian pronunciation
LearnNoW - in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research.
NoWiN - in collaboration with Narvik University College (HiN).
Other online resourses
- Futurelearn - LearnNow as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
- Stein på stein
- Her på berget
- Ord (Words)
- Norsk på 1-2-3
- Praktisk norsk
- Norsk grammatikk (Norwegian Grammar)
Course fee for employees and their partners (paid by their department)
Free of charge for students from within the EU/EEA or Switzerland:
- Levels 1-4: 4 000 NOK
- Short course: 2 000 NOK
Tuition fee for students from outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland:
- Levels 1-4: 34 075 NOK
- Short course: 17 038 NOK