Award at ICTIR 24
Award at ICTIR '24
We are thrilled to announce that the paper, "Towards a Formal Characterization of User Simulation Objectives in Conversational Information Access" by Nolwenn Bernard and Krisztian Balog, has received the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at the 14th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR '24)!
This paper contributes to the field of user simulation in conversational information access by formally characterizing the distinct objectives of user simulators: (1) training aims to maximize behavioral similarity to real users and (2) evaluation focuses on the accurate prediction of real-world conversational agent performance.
An empirical study shows that optimizing for one objective does not necessarily lead to improved performance on the other. This finding highlights the need for distinct design considerations during the development of user simulators.
The International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR) is the premier event for research on information retrieval theory, bringing together leading researchers and practitioners to share and discuss the latest advances in the field. This award is a recognition of the high-quality research presented in this paper and its contribution to the field, highlighting the importance of user simulation as an emerging technology.
Learn more about this work by reading the full paper at:
Published: 2024-08-16