NorHead Grant for International Research Collaboration

NorHead Grant for International Research Collaboration


Would you like to join us as a visiting researcher at one of NorHead’s research facilities? 

The Norwegian Centre for Headache Research (NorHead) invites both early career and established scientists to apply for the NorHead grant for international research collaboration. The call targets ambitious candidates who wish to initiate or continue ongoing research projects in together with NorHead.

The main aim is to strengthen international research collaboration, share data, and co-author scientific papers that have high impact on headache research and clinical treatment. 

NorHead invites the submission of headache-related project descriptions within our three focus areas: 

  • Clinical Trials
  • Health Register Studies
  • AI and Machine learning 

Explore NorHead's research areas and activity 

What is covered?

The funding covers travel to Norway and accommodation  for up to three months to enable the researcher to work as a visiting researcher at one of NorHead’s research facilities. The location will be determined depending on the topic of the research project. 


Application form

Application form

Applicants must submit a project description and attach a CV. 

Map Norway

Map Norway

Partner logos

NTNU website

University of Bergen website

St. Olavs Hospital website

Oslo University Hospital website

Akershus University Hospital website

University Hospital of North Norway

Haukeland University Hospital website

Namsos Hospital website


Hodepine Norge website

Nansen Neuroscience Network Website