Digital exhibitions
Henrik Mathiesen
Henrik Mathiesen (1847-1927) was a famous a respected local historian and illustrator in Trøndelag. He counts as Trøndelags first town historian and he wrote the first historical presentation about Trondheim in the Middle Ages. The online exhibition shows illustrations and documents from his rich archive. Henrik Mathiesen online exhibition
Flora NorvegicaIn 2016, Norway's first flora book, Flora Norvegica, celebrates 250 years. The first part of the flora book was published by bishop Johan Ernst Gunnerus in 1766. The latter part was published posthumously in 1774. The plant descriptions include information on where and when they were found, their dialect names and the way the plants can be used. Flora Norvegica online exhibition
A glimpse into the NTNU photo collection
NTNU University Library has collected images from over a hundred years, and the collection has now grown to about a million photographs and negatives. There are also other exciting historical material, and the image collection is a rich source of both human history, local history and the history of photography. NTNU photo collection online exhibition
NTNU University Library’s Centenary
Online exhibition on the 2012 centenary of the NTNU University Library (pdf in Norwegian, 30 MB)
A series with pictures: NTNU UB 100 years