The Lars Onsager Lecture
The Lars Onsager Lecture
The Lars Onsager Lecture and Professorship
The Lars Onsager Lecture
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, sponsor the annual Lars Onsager Lecture.
Previous Onsager Lecturers
From The Lars Onsager Lecture 2017. Professor Helge Holden, Professor May-Britt Moser, Professor Edvard Moser and Rector Gunnar Bovim.
- 2023 Roger Blandford, Stanford University
- 2020 Emmanuelle Charpentier, Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Berlin
- 2019 Lene Vestergaard Hau, Harvard University
- 2018 Yves Meyer, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay
- 2017 May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU
- 2016 Stefan Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry , Göttingen, Germany
- 2015 Jean-Marie Lehn, Collège de France and Laboratoire de Chimie Supramoléculaire, Strasbourg
- 2014 Sir Konstantin Novoselov, Manchester University
- 2013 Stanislav Smirnov, Université de Genève, Switzerland
- 2012 Arnold J. Levine, Institute for Advance Study, Princeton
- 2011 Peter Hänggi, Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, Germany
- 2010 Ingrid Daubechies, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University (mathematics)
- 2009 Betrand I. Halperin, Department of Physics, Harvard University (physics)
- 2008 Terence Tao, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles (mathematics)
- 2007 Robert B. Laughlin, Department of Physics, Stanford University (physics)
- 2006 Rodney J. Baxter FRS FAA, Centre for Mathematics and Its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University (physics and mathematics)
- 2005 Sir Brian Pippard, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (physics)
- 2004 Leo Kadanoff, Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Chicago (physics and mathematics)
- 2003 Ivar Giaever, Physics Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (physics)
- 2002 Frank H. Stillinger, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University (chemistry)
- 2001 Sir Michael Berry, University of Bristol (mathematical physics)
- 2000 Vaughan Jones, University of California, Los Angeles (mathematics)
- 1999 H. N. W. Lekkerkerker, Utrecht University, Utrecht (colloid chemistry)
- 1998 E. H. Lieb, Princeton University (physics and mathematics)
- 1997 P. G. de Gennes, Collège de France (physics)
- 1996 R. J. Donnelly, University of Oregon (superfluids)
- 1995 W. Ebeling, Humboldt-University Berlin (physical chemistry)
- 1994 B. Widom, Cornell University (statistical physics and physical chemistry)
- 1993 M. E. Fisher, University of Maryland (statistical physics)
The Onsager Committee
The Onsager Committee
The Lars Onsager Lecture and the Lars Onsager Professorship are awarded by the Onsager Committee which consists of
- Professor Helge Holden (Chairman), Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU
- Professor Arne Brataas, Department of Physics, NTNU