News - Nobelprize 2014
Nobel Prize News
Nobel Prize 2014
Nobel Prize News
News from the Nobel Week and background articles
News from the Nobel Week and background articles
- New findings on how the brain is able to store events (9 Dec)
- "Important to cultivate young talents" (8 Dec)
- Revealed new findings (7 Dec)
- Nobel lectures touch on central discoveries and tantalizing findings (7 Dec)
- The Lecture: A "wow" ending of fog, jazz poetry and a tuba (7 Dec)
- Why Moser's staff made a popcorn noise during the Nobel Lectures (7 Dec)
- "You must be willing to dare" (7 Dec)
- Nobel lectures touch on central discoveries and tantalizing findings (7 Dec)
- A "wow" ending of fog, jazz poetry and a tuba (7 Dec)
- Nobel lecture May-Britt Moser | Nobel lecture Edvard Moser (7 Dec)
- – They were absolutely certain to be winners and top scientists (7 Dec)
- – You must be willing to dare (7 Dec)
- The Nobel Dance - May-Britt Moser full of joy! (5 Dec)
- Gertrude, Tarzan, and the rest of the Nobel gang (5 Dec)
- A village of neuroscientists (3 Dec)
- From bomb shelter beginnings to the Nobel Prize (16 Oct)
- Why your nose can be a pathfinder (24 Apr)
- A “light switch” in the brain illuminates neural networks (5 Apr 13)
- The many maps of the brain (6 Dec 12)
- May-Britt Moser: –I'm still in shock. This is so great! (SoundCloud)
The story of how the Mosers discovered grid cells. As told by themselves.
The scientific background: The Brain's Navigational Place and Grid Cell System
What are grid cells? (Wikipedia)
Nobel Jazz Poetry
An internal map in the brain
A journey into entorhinal cortex