Project Assignments - MTP
Specialization in 5th (2nd) year at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Study Year 2025-26)
Specialization, Project Selection and Distribution 2025/2026 : detailed information for MTP-students
Procedure for Project Execution at MTP 2024/2025 (an update is in progress)
Specialization Projects Students at MTP
Valid for students belonging to the 5-year MSc study programs PuP (Mechanical Engineering), I&IKT (Engineering and ICT), Materials Science and Engineering and Nano Technology, and the 2-year MSc study programs Mechanical Engineering, Subsea Technology, RAMS, Project Management and Global Manufacturing Management for our two study directions with corresponding main profiles:
Engineering Design and Materials (PuMa)
- Engineering Design and Materials
- Nanotechnology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Robotics and Automation
- Engineering Design and Materials
Industrial Engineering
- Production management
- Project- and quality management
- Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
- Production management
Specialization in 5th (2nd) year
In the MSc study in technology at NTNU a major part of the 5th (2nd) year shall be a specialization in a selected area. Typically, three quarters (22.5 SP) of the study points in the autumn semester and 100% of the spring semester are dedicated to specialization. The following is mandatory:
Autumn semester
Specialization Project - 15 SP (Exception: MS SUBSEA: 7.5 SP)
Specialization Course – 7.5 SP
Spring semester
MSc Thesis – 30 SP
In the autumn semester, the students shall in addition select:
Complimentary Course (Komplementæremne) – 7.5 SP
Student making a sketch
Selection of Specialization Project
The projects with a short description will be made available for the students via MTPs website (HERE) on March 13, 2025.
Each student is encouraged to review the actual projects and to contact the supervisor for the most interesting project(s) to get more information and/or discuss the project content.
Due to company contract obligations and research related needs, some supervisors will pre-select students to specific projects before this deadline.
The supervisors will register a possible pre-selection until April 3, 2025. In this case, they will change the availability of the project in SharePoint (to not-available), publish the student’s name next to the project and send an e-mail with the project title, student’s name and e-mail address to the responsible study advisor. In this case the pre-selected student does not have to fill in a formal application.
All other students have to fill in an online application form (which will be published HERE). In the application the student can prioritize two projects (Priority 1 and 2).
The deadline for completing the online application form is April 24, 2025.
The deadlines given above is also valid for 4th year MTP students spending this year abroad and for exchange students.
Distribution of Specialization Projects – feedback to the students
- The max. number of projects for each supervisor will be limited to 6 to i) secure quality of the supervision, and ii) capacity for supervision in the Research Groups.
- After the deadline of the online application form, the projects will be distributed among the students based on their prioritized projects (Priority 1 and 2). The supervisors will be involved in this distribution process. That’s why it is important that the students contact the supervisor before they complete the online application form.
- All students should have received feedback concerning their project choice by June 5, 2025.
- A plan for the Specialization Project shall be developed by the student and discussed and agreed with the main supervisor no later than 2 weeks after the startup of the project. During the project period, this plan can be revised.
Master’s Thesis
The MSc Thesis is normally a continuation of the Specialization Project. However, some students decide to change topic for the MSc Thesis. This can be accepted by the MTP department assuming that the student finds a project and a main supervisor for the new project.
Student work stations
All our student workplaces at MTP are “clean desk”. Clean desk means that no student will have a
permanent workspace and that all desks must be cleared at the end of each day.
The workplaces are available from the start of semester 2024 until the end of semester spring 2025, read about rooms and booking of student work stations. The same rutine will apply to the study year 25/26.