Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management IØT
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT)

The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT) participate in educational and research activities on an international level. Department researchers participate in and develop research projects in close cooperation with the Norwegian industry. The department also develops management models, tools and methods for the Norwegian industry.
The work at the department is characterised by high quality, relevance and productivity.
The department offers studies in chartered engineering and technology.
There are six sections in our department:
- Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research (BEDØK)
- Health, Safety and Environment Management (HMS)
- Strategy and Business Development (STRATFORR)
- Operations Management (VIL)
- Experts in teamwork
- Division of Economy and Management in Gjøvik (page in Norwegian)
The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management is one out of four at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Contact information
Enquiries about our study program
Contact our student advisors directly
General enquiries: +47 73 59 35 11
Opening hours:
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Visiting address:
Alfred Getz vei 3,
12th floor, Sentralbygg I, Gløshaugen
Postal address:
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management
Faculty of Economics and Management
NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway