For NTNU’s academic communities - Alumni
For academic communities
Alumni – important partners
Academic communities at NTNU have a wealth of opportunities for working together with former students to achieve strategic goals in education, research and innovation.
Examples include work experience for students, bachelor’s and master’s theses, cases and research projects. Alumni also open doors to national and international working life.
The central NTNU Alumni team can help to build alumni activities at faculties and departments. A range of initiatives in partnership with alumni have been tested successfully and can be launched locally at NTNU.
How to work together in research
Alumni can
- extend your network and open doors to collaboration with relevant players in a variety of sectors and industries
- take part in projects themselves with specific cases or issues from their organization
- be a source of funding and contribute to PhD grants
How to work together in education
- offer placements or internships in their company or organization
- offer students job shadowing – a day of practical work
- contribute relevant topics for bachelor’s and master’s theses
- serve as guest lecturers
- point out opportunities in the workplace
- provide feedback on the quality and relevance of study programmes
- contribute as examiners as well as representatives in boards, councils and committees
NTNU Alumni can contribute by
- conveying specific enquiries to alumni
- acquiring statistics on where alumni work
- issuing graduate surveys
- marketing international master’s programmes through our international networks
- communicating information and invitations from the academic community to alumni
- planning and carrying out graduation ceremonies
- arranging Alumni Compass in cooperation with the academic community and student associations to exchange experiences between alumni and students on skills and relevance to the workplace
Establish alumni networks
Register here or contact us if you would like to establish an alumni network at your department.
Database of alumni
NTNU has a database with quality assured information on former students from NTNU and the university’s predecessors. The database contains:
- Contact information
- Education information
- Job information
The database is GDPR-friendly and available to all NTNU’s academic communities.
Would you like a list of alumni from your field of study? Please contact us on e-mail
Other available tools
- Events system – registration for events with and without payment
- Newsletter function – newsletters and other mailings from your academic community
Contact NTNU Alumni and we’ll help you: