Financial Economy (Master, 2 years)
Master of Science in Financial Economics
Master of Science in Financial Economics
This programme is taught in Norwegian. For more detailed information about this programme, please see our Norwegian programme pages.
Financial Economics
Financial Economics is the study of the functioning of capital markets and supply, demand and value estimates of financial assets.
Compared to other types of economic studies, the Master of Science in Financial Economics particularly focuses on how actors adapt to the market over time or under uncertain conditions. During the master's programme the students will be provided with extensive knowledge of these issues.
Financial economics is also empirically oriented, and the master's programme provides the students with important skills in quantitative (econometrics) methods used in empirical analyses of the financial market.
The programme qualifies students for doing financial analysis of general economic trends and for larger production businesses. A master's degree in Financial Economics provides the students with analytical skills which will be very useful in a variety of jobs. The master's programme in Financial Economics is a joint programme between the Department of Economics and the Department of Industrial Economy and Technology Management at NTNU, and the University College of Sør-Trøndelag.
Career opportunities
This is a suitable study for persons with a talent for quantitative analysis and an interest in financial markets. Those who choose to take a Master's degree in Financial Economics must be prepared to face professional challenges. Candidates with a master's degree in Financial Economics will hold a unique combination of theoretical insight and ability to conduct independent analyses of financial markets.
The combination of theoretical insight and training in empirical analysis makes the candidates well equipped to see development lines in markets characterized by rapid changes.
Programme structure
The Master of Science in Financial Economics is a two-year long programme which consists of compulsory and elective courses and a master's thesis (30 ECTS). For further information about the courses, please consult the course descriptions.
Please note that the language of instruction is mostly Norwegian. By visiting the course listings page and searching for courses offered in English in the Department of Economics, you can find out how many courses are offered in English in this discipline.
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Visiting address
Department of Economics
Klæbuveien 72, 5th floor
(Adolf Øien-bygget)
Map to the Department of Economics
Telephone: +47 73 55 90 35
Postal address
NTNU, Department of Economics
NO-7491 Trondheim