Organization and Management – About
University Management and Administration
Norwegian University of science and Technology
University Management and Administration
Management and administration
- The Board of NTNU
- Rector, pro-rectors and directors
- Deans and department heads
- Administrations heads
Units and employees
- Faculties and departments
- NTNU University Library
- NTNU University Museum
- Units A–Z
- Organizational chart
- Find employees
Board, Rectorate, Management
The NTNU Board is the highest governing body at NTNU and makes decisions on issues of principal importance:
The Board
The NTNU Rector is the chief academic and administrative officer of NTNU. The Rector and the Rector’s management team:
The Rectorate
The NTNU Management with the rectorate, vice-rectors, deans, head of departments, museum, library and joint administration:
The Management