Music Education in Development – Building Learning Communities, MiU25

Music Education in Development – Building Learning Communities, MiU25

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Music Education in Development – Building Learning Communities, MiU25

Welcome to the conference Music Education in Development – Building Learning Communities (October 13–14, 2025). The conference is organized by NTNU, Department of Music, in collaboration with Rockheim Museum and the MiU network.

The conference addresses the role of music in society and how music education is being transformed in times of change. This includes subject specific development, role changes for students and educators, collaboration, community and individuality balances, and changes related to research and artistic development. The conference aims to strengthen networks between staff and students in higher music education, and between higher education and cultural, educational and health sectors. Through dialogue and collaboration, the conference aims to explore new possibilities for future music education.

Abstracts for presentations will undergo peer review by an artistic and scientific committee. Choose from the following formats:

A) Artistic or scientific research and development in progress (NOT previously published)

  1. Scientific presentation with or without a respondent
  2. Artistic presentation with or without a respondent
  3. Practice-based presentation of music-related work with or without a respondent

B) Presentation of new, completed work (earliest release in 2023), without a respondent

  1. Doctoral or master’s project
  2. Releases in audio or written formats

Deadline for abstract submissions: May 5, 2025

After the conference, participants are invited to develop their presentations into artistic/scientific articles for a special issue of the MusPed:Research journal, with Katarina Lindblad as the chief editor.

More information and submission forms will be available on this page in February 2025.



Contact person for MiU 2025

Elin Angelo
Professor, Music Education