Grants office

Søknadshjelpen - The Grants Office for MH and Helse Midt-Norge

The Grants Office provides advice and hands-on support with the following:

  • Finding funding opportunities that fit your research interests and career stage

  • Reviewing your grant application to help you to target it to funder's evaluation criteria

  • Setting up a budget for your grant application (for Horizon Europe applications only)  

  • Online application forms, portals and other administrative requirements

  • Agreements related to external funding

  • Courses and other events in topics related to external funding

Research Projects at the MH Faculty 

 Are you interested in our hands-on support with your proposal? Click here for more information 

Meet the team



Inquiries about funding opportunities: 

MH Grants Office: 

St. Olavs Seksjon for prosjektstøtte: 


Upcoming Deadlines

Upcoming Deadlines

EOI DeadlinesClick here for an overview of upcoming deadlines to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for ERC Staring and Consolidator grants, coordinated Horizon Europe proposals, and research centre proposals.

Call Deadlines: Click here for a list of upcoming calls and deadlines that may qualify for support from the Grants Office for 2024/2025. 


Upcoming events

Upcoming events

Reading days for ERC proposals


Overview of available proposals.

Reading days for Research Council proposals

29 January

Click here to register 

Overview of available proposals (Updated October 2024).


Templates & guidelines

Health funding overview