Core Facilities and other large research infrastructure - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Core facilities and other large research infrastructure
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers up-to-date, advanced and high quality research infrastructure. Much of the infrastructure is operated as a part of Trondheim University Hospital – St. Olav's hospital.
The facilities serve research projects at the faculty, as well as external projects.
Comparative Medicine Core Facility (CoMed)
Offers what is needed for animal experiments.
Genomics Core Facility (GCF)
Offers resources and services to support research needs in genomic analysis, such as "next generation sequencing".
MR Core Facility
Offers expertise and access to instruments within MRI for imaging in humans and animals, as well as metabolomics analysis.
Norwegian 7T MR Center
Offers access to 7-tesla MRI scanner with associated expertise.
The Faculty of Medicine and the Central Norway Regional Health Authority have organised several laboratories with advanced equipment and expertise are into core facilities. These research facilities offer a necessary infrastructure connected to specialized expertise for regional, national and international researchers from research institutions and the industrial sector.
Core facilities
- make advanced scientific technology and equipment, test samples, data collections and methods available for researchers regionally and nationally
- conduct their own research, and development in their fields
- offer highly qualified personnel with special competence for operation and maintenance, as well as and training of users
Bioinformatics Core Facility (BioCore)
Offers support for bioinformatics analysis in research.
Fremtidens operasjonsrom (FOR)
Facilitates research and development in the surgical disciplines, emphasising minimally invasive treatment and medical technology.
HUNT Research Centre
Offers services to those who conduct research on data or material from the HUNT survey.
NeXt Move
Offers expertise and equipment in neurophysiology, exercise physiology, movement and elite sports research.
Proteomics and Modomics Experimental Core Facility (PROMEC)
Offers a range of services in protein analysis (proteomics) and analysis of nucleic acid modifications (DNA / RNA modomics).
Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC)
CMIC consists of an advanced light microscopy unit and a dedicated histology lab. The facility offers a wide range of instruments and expertise in both histological and advanced light microscopy methods.
NORBRAIN - The Norwegian Brain Initiative
Enables research that can map neural mechanisms of behavior and provide insight into the neural codes in the brain.
Viral Vector Core Facility
Well-equipped research infrastructure with expertise in producing tailor-made viruses for research purposes.
Research Support at St. Olav's Hospital
St. Olav's has a unit for research support, which is divided into 4 units:
- Prosjektstøtte / Project support (in Norwegian)
- Forskningspoliklinikk / Research out patient clinic (in Norwegian)
- Helsedatasenter / Health Data Centre (in Norwegian)
- Medisinsk utstyr /Medical equipment (in Norwegian)
The units operate with "one way in" for inquiries.
Centres for Simulation
NTNU's centres for health professional simulation are also used for research and development work.
- Centre for Simulation and Patient Safety in Gjøvik
- Senter for simulering og velferdsteknologi in Ålesund
- Enhet for helsefaglig simulering in Trondheim
- Simulatorsenteret in Trondheim
Resources at other institutions
National resources:
- Core Facilities at the University of Bergen
- Find Core Facilities at the University Hospital of North Norway
- Core facilities at Oslo University Hospital
- Core Facilities at the University of Oslo
Regional resources:
(information in Norwegian)
- Innovasjonsklinikken, Helse Nord-Trøndelag
- Klinisk forskingspost og Biobank1 Helse Møre og Romsdal